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I always wanted to see a video of all the combination spells in one of my favorite games called Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Calibur. Music by Israfel and k-wix. On a side-note check out Achille12345’s videos in the video response section for pretty much every attack in the entire game. *Note* The mentioned videos above no longer exist *tear*.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 Responses to Ogre Battle 64 Combination Spells

  • ostrezeno says:

    Sorry about the dual ask, i tought the first time I wrote, nothing happened.

  • Daigotsu says:

    @ostrezeno Glad you got it, but next time ask once.

  • ostrezeno says:

    I finally got em! Thanks

  • ostrezeno says:

    I wish to get the remixsong in the video

  • ostrezeno says:

    I would like to know where you get that remix! I really want that song!

  • ostrezeno says:

    I would like to know where you get that remix! I really want that song!

  • RedSaturos1991 says:

    the best game RPG

  • dandangogo says:

    Awesome Vid man. Great remix and great list. I just started playing OB64 again and I definitely need to try out these spells now, thanks!

  • MegaPlasmaman says:

    i just gor this game i am at the levle when rhade uses the grapplers

  • dragonstormx says:

    I’ve reat the Drakonite spells cost an arm and a leg to get, are they worth it?

  • Nyrufa says:

    Thanks to you, I know know Witches can combine spells! I had no idea of that before!


  • TommieV says:

    I need to start playing this game again. Just need a replacement cable for my N64.

  • Daigotsu says:

    Check out the faqs on gamefaqs for most of the information regarding what you asked. I know right? Talk about a obscure game.

  • Othbarpking says:

    howed u get that lych on your team for high level combo spells? and whered u get al the draconic spells books, i only have 2 🙁 also i totally love this game and like none of my friends have heard of it therefor i love you too lol

  • Fugikuro says:

    @Daigotsu Amen sir, I sorely wish they would make another sequel, however I fear we will never see one again. I played the other Ogrebattle titles, but I would love one for one of the current consoles, or hell, even PC.

  • Daigotsu says:

    Haha, i’m fortunate to have learned of them before their time fully passed.

  • Fugikuro says:

    You like L5R and OB64? Very good taste sir.

  • connarviper says:

    does anyone know if they made other games like ogre battle 64

  • TheSheepMonster says:

    my one question i had for this game was, why is it on the n64?
    this would have ran fine on sega, or even snes. There was no point for them to wait until n64 for it :

  • SuperLalagaga says:

    thanks for posting!
    blue spiral and atmosphere are so gorgeous

  • tetrisclock says:

    I remember the first time I discovered combo spells. I was like,

    “Holy shit! What the hell did I just do?”

  • Teenytinyboo says:

    Sing at the beginning is from warcraft 2

  • Teenytinyboo says:

    @VivaceVocaloid It’s from warcraft 2

  • Daigotsu says:

    You misunderstand. A lot of people make that assumption whenever they read asimpkins guide. What he really means is that venerable dragons and drakonite spells are classified as class “D” magic in that they’re spells can affect the entire battlefield, just like how combination spells are class “D” in that they affect the whole battle field. I wish he’d change the wording. So no, venerable dragons and drakonites can’t combine with anything.

  • PaulosTheKing says:

    I’ve heard from “asimpkins” guide that there is also magic that Venerable Dragons and advanced spell users can use together. Anyone ever tap into that?

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