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Question by I should be so lucky: Ok! Tarot: just used the Three Fates spread, and Rider Waite Tarot?
1. Three of Swords
2. Nine of Cups
3. The World

This is past, present, future right?
Could anyone interpret this result? Thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by LIVVY

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3 Responses to Ok! Tarot: just used the Three Fates spread, and Rider Waite Tarot?

  • sybil_the_soothsayer says:

    The disappointment or betrayal you suffered will ultimately transform into everything you could ever desire…so it was a blessing in disguise…

  • lightningelemental says:

    Yes, the Three Fates spread helps you get insight into the past, present and future regarding a specific issue.

    1. Three of Swords (Past): you have experienced heartbreak and grief due to rejection, betrayal or separation
    2. Nine of Cups (Present): you are content and satisfied on all levels–physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually
    3. The World (Future)–I must add “Future….based on your present course of action”: You will learn your lessons well and will reap the benefits of tasks accomplished–This is a good place to be.

    Summary: Although you have experienced pain and suffering in the past, you have moved passed the suffering and are content with your life. If you continue on your present course of action, that contentment will continue and you will be reap the benefits of your lessons learned and tasks accomplished. Way to go!

    Bright Blessings

    To Sybil the sooth sayer: Well said! I tend to get wordy and over-explain.

  • Zapp says:

    1, sorrow. 2, happiness. 3, the truth

    duality, both happiness and sorrow run hand in hand, in or out of relationships, people are not wholely good, but are not wholely bad either. accept both and be aware. you will have to experience all emotions in life, to come to a point of understanding.

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