Question by I Had 32 Characters To Work With: On a recent trip to the States…..?
… I had a unique experience dining with members of my extended family, in the picnic area of a pristine City park.
I noticed that most of my relatives were medium height and thoroughly enjoyed the texture and taste of jello. I too was somewhat overcome by the magical way shredded carrots seemed to float carelessly amongst mini-marshmallows and sliced grapes… especially in the Lime jello.
Am I bi-sexual?
Best answer:
Answer by paigeissmarterthanjamie
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
how do u like your jello Mattie??? Do u like it both ways???
nah yer jast gh3y
umm…were you on some type of hallucinogenic??
It means you like jello…..
You are too funny…..
Too sexy for your own good….
No, you and others just have a different taste in food. Personally, I hate the stuff.
Wow, that sounds like a really good ‘trip’
People who talk in metaphors can shampoo my crotch.
interesting, to have been to a family affair and they thought that Carrot soup was a hit. weird
Bi sexual? Probably not. Too much to drink before asking this question? Probably so.
OMG …your not bi… youre totally gay!!..You paid way toooo much attention to food. You used the word MAGICAL and MINI MARSHMALLOWS…..Youre a full fledged queen! lol
Okay, now tell me your unique experience…
You sound gay to me
Gay… Gay… Gay….
Or related to Bill Cosby..
Whoa dude not sure about bi but what I want to know is how long have you been deprived of jello salads. Yuk
my gaydar exploded as soon as you mentioned shredded carrots.
In fact, your entire family must be gay.
If you cave in at the last second to using an umbrella in a downpour, you may want to take a second look at that German waiter’s asss
Well, are you?
You could be! to know for sure you have to ask your relatives if they enjoy oatmeal as much as they do with jello!
don’t be embarrassed but shredded carrots don’t really have anything to do with sexuality!
I`m sorry to say it`s nothing to do with your sexuality. What you have is a distinguishing palate.
Without a doubt. You think about this totally too much to not be. Now I personally hate Lime Jello and mini-marshmallows, and carrots don’t belong in Jello.
You are nuts!!…LMAO….eat your Jello dude!