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by nimboo

On Nostradamus and the Paths of Wisdom

This article summarizes the thematic content of the thirty-two Nostradamus prophecies that were known in mystic circles as the Paths of Wisdom, and for cross-reference to online sources the Nostradamus numbers will also be noted. Years of investigation unwinding the cryptic writings of medieval mystics reveal that these thirty-two prophecies stood among one hundred prophecies that formed the Book of Light, and the idea of extracting thirty-two of them as Paths of Wisdom came from a book known as the Book of Creation.

The medieval mystics had divergent ordinations for the Paths and it doubtful that any of them mirror their order of appearance in the Book of Light. This article will therefore present the Paths in their order of appearance within Nostradamus’ published book. Internally, the prophecies point to authorship by a fish (that’s the correct word) who was capable of time travel, and in the first draft of this article the phrase “the alien” was present in each description. This has now been changed to “the Prophet” so that people who wish to deny that these prophecies were known in medieval times may now continue to believe that Nostradamus used his psychic powers to write them.

The Paths of Wisdom were written in elementary code, requiring only one decoding key (for the given dates). The Prophet also employed classical poetic devices and a variety of psychological divergence techniques whereby readers fail to recognize the interdependency of the thirty-two Paths.

Path of Wisdom #1 [I-53] The prophecy of the Andeans under Spanish rule, 1571. The Prophet expresses grief for the descendants of his Andean friends at the hands of the Spanish in the 16th century. He refers to the enactment of unjust laws and

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