Russia, 1861. The Prophet refers to the end of serfdom in Russia (early 1861), and to the beginning of the Civil War in the United States (early 1861) to put an end to slavery in that country. He identifies civil war and slavery as the worst evils ever in human society.
Path of Wisdom #32 [X-100] The prophecy of the great British Empire, 1588-1982. The Prophet refers to the British Empire that covered many parts of the world for more than three centuries. He attributes this empire to England’s dominance of the seas and alludes to the use of naval power in the Falkland Islands War.
Nostradamus’ book contains eleven additional prophecies that come from the Book of Light, with topics ranging from fish identity to September 11. Ten of these, in five pairs of two, correspond to a second set of Sephirot of Nothingness. The eleventh prophecy evidently belongs to neither the Paths nor the Sephirot and may have been a last-minute replacement for the unpublished Path.
Morten St. George is an ancient astronaut investigator, author of several alien-related articles, author of the Nostradamus-related book Incantaton of the Law Againt Inept Critics, and creator of two ancient astronaut websites: Morten St. George and Senderos Secretos de la Sabiduria.

Terence McKenna and Mark Pesce at Esalen in August 1998. I think we have to have character models built of ourselves, and turn the whole thing over to our writers; and we’ll just go off to Tahiti, and the writers can — it’s the “Uncle Duke” solution. If you can turn yourself into a cartoon character, you can retire, and a whole team of people will keep you au courant. … You know, I think the only way to keep your career going is to retire the “bod”, and create an online character– a Saturday morning cartoon show apparently is where the action is. It’s strange — you know, the Net is denounced as austere, the product of the engineering mentality, so forth and so on. It’s the most feminine influence that Western civilization has ever allowed itself to fall under the spell of. The troubadors of the fourteenth century were as nothing compared to the boundary-dissolving, feminizing, permitting, nurturing nature of the Net. Maybe that’s why there is an overwhelming male preference for it, in its early form, because that’s where that was needed. But it is Sophia, it is wisdom, it is the penetrating archetypal female logos of the world-soul, leading us away from what was very sharp-edged and uncomfortable and repressive to our creativity and our sexuality and our relationships to each other and to the Earth. Virtual reality is a fairly new concept to us; but once you grok it, it seems clear that any civilization that was capable of starflight and longevity extension, and so …
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