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well-trimmed black moustache nervously; his craggy features were frowned with thoughts to his mission for the Little Father.”

“Suddenly the carriage braked hard and the officer was nearly thrown to the floor. He heard the neighing of the coach’s two horses as they reared and jumped from the sudden pulling of the reins by the driver. The officer called out to driver, “What the devil is wrong?  Why are we stopping?”

“There’s an uniformed figure in middle of the road,” answered the driver, ‘’he is motioning me to stop.”

Blat!  What the devil,” cursed the colonel as he opened the carriage door and stepped down onto the road. His eyes searched out the dusk in front of him and he saw the soldierly figure, but he was strangely uniformed.  From the shako on his head to the tarnished brass of his uniform buttons to his ornate, but shabby boots shoeing his feet, he had the appearance of service to that ambitious empress of a bygone era. The officer’s mind was jumbled as he couldn’t understand the appearance of an officer dressed in the uniform of the imperial guard of the great Empress Catherine, a ruler dead and buried ages past.”

We were fascinated by her words even though it put a bit of fright in our innocent minds. She cleared her throat as she continued, “that was not an actual man but a ghost from the time of the Czarina Catherina that was seen by the colonel?”

Without a pause Grandmother Alica drifted in her thoughts, “Ohh, that woman empress was a wicked woman in her ways.  In her time the peasants throughout the whole empire were waiting for a leader to lead them in revolt against her cruel laws. That revolution was short-lived as the armed bands couldn’t stand against regular troops, but

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