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I won’t confuse you anymore with its history. Just accept my words that the ghost was of her time.

“The horses had settled down and were snorting and stamping about, but a tug on the reins by the driver quieted them. Seeing all was calm, the colonel went in front of the coach and called out to the figure. The ghostly officer turned to the call of the colonel’s voice and he called out in a whispering voice, ‘The serfs are rising in revolt’. Turn back, turn back!'”

Grandmother Alica grunted a few ahems as she cleared her throat.” Now where we? Ahh, yes. Well, the colonel was puzzled by the remarks of the ghostly officer and he called out for explanation from him. But the reply was only the continuing cry that the serfs were rising in revolt.”

“This infuriated the officer of the czar and as he moved slowly but quietly to the shadowy figure, he saw a white bearded figure in the shabbiness of his uniform. The hands of the spirit were luminous in the motion of signaling passing vehicles; his crazed eyes were opened wide and from his creased lips, the hoarse whispering words telling of the uprising of the serfs continued.”

Grandmother Alica spoke softly as her words eerily emphasized the frightening event. “The colonel neared the ghostly officer but as he came closer he only found empty space in his sight. He cursed and he put down the sighting of the apparition to the tiredness of his eyes and the lateness of the hour. Yet he thought, the coachman had also seen the shadowy spirit.”

“Yes, it was a ghostly figure. Off course that what was not on the mind of the colonel as he returned to his coach, but only the finalization of his mission. His only remark to his lowly coachman was to drive on as he bundled himself in the

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