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didn’t feel so good, they realized that they have done something wrong and that if their diets were corrected and bodies rested, their life would be in balance as before.

It is only in recent years that the physical body alone was singled out for healing. From all accounts, indigent or nomadic cultures had significant knowledge of herbal healing techniques as well as spiritual balancing. It may all seem hocus-pocus to us, but for the patient, this attentiveness and soothing experiences may have helped his or her complete healing.

In today’s world, when someone gets sick, only the physical body is examined. Conventional medicine (Allopathy) does not see the link between mind and body. When we go to a doctor and check our blood pressure, it is usually high. For a long time, doctors used to immediately prescribe strong chemical drugs for this “dangerous condition”. Little did they know that the visit itself causes so much stress that the body responds by increasing blood pressure. Now that they are aware of this temporary connection, they have a name for this temporary increase in blood pressure – “White coat hypertension”! And it is temporary! No medication needed.

In ancient times, people depended on the Earth for solutions. What we see around us made us happy and healthy. Whatever we needed to enjoy a fruitful, energetic and healthy life, we could find around us, wherever we lived. The ancient pagans knew the secrets of healing and always used the Earth’s bounty for everything. There were no clinics and no manufactured drugs. No one needed continuous expensive monthly prescriptions to keep them “healthy”.

The origins of Ayurveda probably started when the practitioners of herbal remedies noticed that though the

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