www.propheticmystic.com Theories regarding the beginning of humanity. Sumerian Enki, Dogon Sirius B, Egyptian Isis/Osirus/Horus, Old Testament ‘Adam and Eve’ and other myths. But are they all just myths or something more? Yes, there are some errors in it, I didn’t think anybody would end up watching these videos. Sirius is NOT the closest star to Earth, I ment to say it is one of the closer ones to Earth. ***I do NOT believe in ANY Conspiracy Theories especially those regarding ‘Reptilian Alien Races’, ‘New World Order’, ‘Superior Races’ or even ‘the Illuminati’. Songs used: Volaverunt Opus 666 by Mago de Oz Sirius B by Therion
Video Rating: 4 / 5
This has nothing to do with this & yet everything to do with it…I often wonder what happends after death..do we move onto a nother plane of existence or is that just it,we’re dead & gone & if so how is it possible to go from a state of complete consciousness to unconsciousness??If there is an after life how does it work,do we remain alive in a spiritual form for all of eternity?or is death like falling asleep?either way it seems like a lose lose situation.
chuck norris saw this anunakis doing experiments and he asked them: WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING IN MY PLANET. before they could say anything chuck norris roundhouse kicked them back tu nibiru……
@atlasshrugged2u I think the bible has a lot of imagined theories also I’ll say for a fact I don’t know because I wasn’t there but I am open to logic and reason. The creation story in the bible is manipulative and really quite bizarre
CJBnow,if white people are smarter than black people the smarts must have skipped a dumbass like you then…lol…Because that is the stupidest thing I`ve ever heard in my entire life.And I`m a white man.You need to realize that when the black ancient egyptians were thousands of years into their civilization Europe was nowhere to be seen.Heroditus the greek studied in Africa to learn what he did.Blacks were the first doctors,astrologers and many more amazing things that you couldn`t do right now
@cheshiresmile13 Chimpanzee’s kill for fun too , they are pretty vicious.
two wrong things: “twisting serpent and apple as depicted in the bible” – not to be found anywhere in that Book….people just keep repeating that without having read at least once this Book. Besides this…interesting short film about ancient legends.
Hablerz, great balls of fire!
@cheshiresmile13 really?
This video is a bit over-wrought to be taken seriously.
@cheshiresmile13 : depends on your definition of fun. Only thing the big furball seems to see as fun is big flies,hates the buzz .He kills and the dog eats them.So not those are wasted.She says they taste like twiglets.
actually, cats are the Only other animal other than humans on the planet that will kill just for fun,
@brettl84 May the Lord penetrate you with a brimstone Phallas !
@CJBnow It doesn’t seem like you received them smart genes.
Well here we go with these White Gods, who came not to bring knowledge, but to destroyed knowlege.
@CJBnow If that is so, why then do we share most of our DNA with evry other living thing on the earth?
And how come the gentic difference between every race of man is so slight as to be almost unnoticable?
How are they suppressing all this information. Any bones or artifacts are considered part of the indigenous culture of America and being so are reburied. This is one more time they use the colored people to destroy evidence that white Europeans are not from this planet. Could this be why we are so much smarter than colored people and used them as slaves. Now they are rebelling against the sumerians annuaki or white men.
The Forbidden “Fruit” is really just certain foods: cannibas, mushrooms, etc.
The red mushroom, Amanita Muscarias, gives fantastic experiences that some people think puts them in touch with higher consciousness. Mushrooms seem to have been a major part of the major religions.
YouTube: Pharmacratic inquisition
The video going through the core of the dna reminds me of the shaman’s reflections that looking at the stars reminded him of twirling forward through the belly of a snake.
Perhaps the twelve constellations that pass through the night sky (from our perspective) can shed light on our DNA infra-structure.
@theMacvarish “IF”? Hmmm?
@AClarke2007 : Haha ! 31 years ago.If you were neutral,sitting on the moon watching us,bottom line what have we done ? Reproduced,burnt stuff,made stuff and electrified slices of rock.Humans claim to be the big brain,top of the food chain :
my cat eats what he kills.
@richbullva Touche (smile)
@atlasshrugged2u the bible is a myth as well and it is fun for me to read lol
@theMacvarish Ah ha!!!! I have not pondered the idea of us preping the planet for other worldly beings, but thats a rational thought, more so than any religion. Good work Mac!.
@theMacvarish Haven`t you finished secondary school yet?