Fucking great song! what i really don’ t like is the concept of video. in fact i don’t see any one in here.. if they can make such creative music i bet they can use a little more their imagination at the videos and visual area. or maybe is just that din’t get enough budget xD—
@ wildboy789789 they´re no powermetal, its progressive from norway
O my goodness this is like eargasmic
but this is prog you know?
But still, it both rules
@josephguitarra66 are you fucking kidding me!?
@MishaMiou Exactly!
@gibsonfan3 what cheesy face??? cheesy is like cheese, so we eat cheese. What the meaning? You want to eat Pagan’s Mind’s members???
@josephguitarra66 so… you can do better?
what a shitty song
2:07 !!! try to hit that note
@mackjohnson316619 That’s what makes power metal what it is! All the cheesy faces are necessary.
Fucking great song! what i really don’ t like is the concept of video. in fact i don’t see any one in here.. if they can make such creative music i bet they can use a little more their imagination at the videos and visual area. or maybe is just that din’t get enough budget xD—
i just want to put a paper bag over the singers head every time i see his stupid facial expressions, but other than that these guys are pretty cool
i don’t give a fuck
@MariusMMS whatever
@NinjaRunningWild ok ok, calm down
@MariusMMS Then stop replying! What’s so hard to understand?
@NinjaRunningWild it’s dropped already
@MariusMMS Ok… Then drop it.
@NinjaRunningWild hey, hey, hey, let’s quit that discussion now, and enjoy the music, shall we?
@MariusMMS Rolls-eyes…
@NinjaRunningWild whatever
@MariusMMS And so was that.
@NinjaRunningWild “So what” is quite a pointless comment too
@MariusMMS It’s just a pointless comment.