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My feelings on the hatred between SOME pagans and Wiccans and Christians on youTube. Intro music by zachweidenbach of youTube.
Video Rating: 3 / 5

25 Responses to Pagan and Wicca vs. Christian Youtube Drama Wars

  • SangoNMiroku4eva says:

    @witchesnews That is very interesting because a true wiccan/pagan does not believe in satan or hell. It says so in the code of american witches.

  • nathanjhuff says:

    Haha your ignorant. All religions are cults.

    Cult = A group or gathering of people of like minded beliefs. Christianity and Pagans and all others can be considered this. Try a dictionary.

    Lastly, Satanic worshiping and Pagans have nothing to do with each other. Christians made the devil, not Pagans. Pagans have a Pan, which has nothing to do with evil.

    Lucifer btw was a fallen angel, and very beautiful, not a horned goat man.. lol. fail.

  • TheInGODalone says:

    Wicca isof the deil and not the same as religion Wicca is a cult not religion Get it right. GO warned about cults and atheiests and satansts they are not good

  • witchesnews says:

    oops. i replied to myself. that reply was to u sry.

  • witchesnews says:

    ur welcome. and thank u. cause im not wiccan but satanist. but i consider wiccans and all other pagans my brothers and sisters. blessed be. and ave satan.

  • pansgrove says:

    Done. Thank you.

  • steverock100 says:

    hey pansgrove. not tryin to be an ass. but u should reword the name of this vid. cause i miss understood the name at first. cause i thought u meant that pagans and wiccans where dumb. like ii said not tryin to be an ass. just a helpfull tip is all.

  • KuraienzeruHiruyay1 says:

    Thats pretty much where I stand with this drama. :3

  • KuraienzeruHiruyay1 says:

    ‘the devil’. to me there are things that might be more than what was written down in those pages. Have u ever thought of the good witches fighting the bad? Good dragons fighting the bad? even evil and good fairies at war?o.o; They seem to have met their match. Such as angels and demons. If i was asked, I wouldnt really pick a side.^^; just saying.

  • KuraienzeruHiruyay1 says:

    the very beginning and say God, or Gaia didnt exist. But fighting over whos right or wrong won’t change the fact of what u believe to be right or wrong. If people don’t want to convert thats their business. For me its what I have been told by God and what I’ve seen. Im not sure about you guys…but I’ve actually seen elemental deities from all over the world. In the bible they mention Satan having a pet dragon, and also mentions the existence of witches. Its said that its known as a sin or

  • KuraienzeruHiruyay1 says:

    I was raised into a christain life. Though it wasnt how I was raised, but what I experienced while growing up. I believe in God. N i also believe in the mythical realms of wizards/witch craft/ fairies, etc. Only because I have met Jesus, and seen the most unimaginable. Although for most people, u cant be half christian and half wiccan. Now that I think about it, i’ve seen so many things. Im not sure if there is a religion to it. :T tru some things can be solved by science, but science cnt go to

  • julienicole100 says:

    i am pagan but belive in all paths to gods and/or goddesses

  • AstroMen2911 says:

    Christianity and Islam are bullies who insist that they are the one and true faith. And they use thier faith to excludes others.

  • followthewicked666 says:

    the fight exsist b/c one religion says that one religion is wrong…it all start from there…btw…no one was equivalent to zeus..and ur right..wiccan rede says..”ye harm none do as ye will”…that means not physically…emotionally..mentally…magickly..

  • ShahMashya says:

    Why don’t you build a temple for the moongod, moongoddess and fertility goddess triad whatever? Then maybe those hypocrite christians and others will accept you better. Chants, prayers, rituals are all good if being from original pagan historical sources but what about the original animal sacrifices? What about the ancient believe in the kingdom of death? What about the heaven for fallen warriors? What about those egyptian etc resurrection myths? In western paganism there wasn’t reincarnation.

  • TwilightSpeaker says:

    I love both religions, but the fighting is really pathetic and stupid. Christians use the ” you are going to hell!” excuse if you’re anything but christian and Wiccans use “we don’t go around critising you” exuse. -.-

  • youngwizard666 says:

    Im talking about the crazy ass christians attacking others with christianity so what im saying is that maybe its time that they get a dose of their oun medicine im the black magician this witch doesnt turn the other cheek i will attack the ones who come agaist me curses will be handed out but anyway all im saying is that its time for all magical people to stand up for magic witches dont need jesus or christian ways all we need is magic my kind of witches only see power evil isnt real

  • saul812 says:

    What are you talking about

  • youngwizard666 says:

    fuck jesus its all about mindpower jesus is a myth satan is a myth myself is all i need the mind is the only creator hell sin mary jesus is bullshit its time for everybody to stand up to the crazy christians they are agaist everybody so now lets attack back

  • Oreceo says:

    My response wasn’t a self defense mechanism which is a different thing altogether.
    I wasn’t hurt as I did not make the video and can not speak to the motives of the one who did. I was explaining my pov of the video & wondering why you felt the need to compare someone’s spirituality to drudgery.
    If you prefer the exclusivity of science and reason – fine. I don’t see a problem though with the exploration of science and spirituality.
    No one is having to submit. Its a choice to explore both.

  • epiksonik says:

    I’m amused that that was your point in making the video. Speak courteously yes, if you must, but my first response was never answered. I’m concluding that was because there were certain words that “hurt.” The breaking down into self defense mechanisms is discourteous, especially when we’re adults and should be able to ‘actually’ be comfortable with our positions. Science and reason?

  • Oreceo says:

    No epiksonik, I didn’t mean you were discourteous. I mean that was the point of the video in my opinion…
    To be able to speak to each other courteously even while having vast differences of opinion…

  • epiksonik says:

    how was I in anyway not courteous?

  • Oreceo says:

    Epiksonik, no one asked you to submit to “this drudgery”. The point as I see it, is simple respect. You don’t have to agree with others to be respectful. You don’t have to believe what others do but what is wrong with common courtesy?

  • texanwitchie says:

    I love the way you think and explain things. I think along the very same lines, so I’m a little dissapointed to see people acting that way with the drama.

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