Get Adobe Flash player Here are some random Nature Spirit art, and faery pictures, for Pagans and Wiccans or for anyone who likes this kind of thing. The song is: The Faery Song By Lisa Thiel.

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Video Rating: 4 / 5

50 Responses to Pagan Faery And Nature Spirit Art

  • TheProphetEliza says:

    wow is there a website we can look at this art? I want to buy some of it!!

  • Kayleahful says:

    @horseluverdyke thats why I put sin in quotation.
    But thank you for the info though. 🙂

  • horseluverdyke says:


  • horseluverdyke says:

    @Kayleahful there is no such thing as sin in wicca or pagaism we all have free will and if you make a mistake or do something bad thats just it you did something bad you don’t go to hell which is also not in wicca or paganism we believe in reincarnation
    the goddess is not going to judge you she is your mother and protector but you go though many lives to learn lessons

  • Kayleahful says:

    The thing I like about Paganism and wiccanism is that its not a ‘fixed’ religion, plus you can come & go as you please; & its (in my opinion) Godless. They don’t get mad at you if you ‘sin’ or try to shun you out of the spiritual circle. Everyones’ allowed to join. 🙂
    And by ‘come and go’, I mean you dont have to pray consistantly to be love/accepted or go somewhere once a week to compare clothing.

    (But thats what Ive learned so far. Feel free to enlighten me if im wrong)

  • kurisu7885 says:

    Some time ago. I was out on a nightly walk. I looked to the sky, and saw a lone cloud, the only one out that night. As I looked, the lone cloud took the shape of a fox, a winked to me. something in me lifted and I felt all tingly.

    It was the most amazing, most uplifting thing I has seen, and I’m sure I am the only one who saw it.

  • kurisu7885 says:

    The biggest crime I can imagine is perpetrated against children. As they grow their imaginations and creativity are nurtured and encouraged, yet at a certain age we practically have out imaginations and creativity beaten out of us to join some sterile corporate world.

    It’ a damned crime to do that.

  • Zylophila says:

    Merry May Day! Gotta go dance with the faeries now! )O(

  • ladylilithmoon says:

    Love this video ! Can you tell me which album this song is from. I have some of her music, but i never heard this song.

  • UltimaMan1 says:

    what is the best time to actually find the faeries

  • safehouse123 says:

    i would think by prayers and offerings in the area you were at, you could contact them.

  • DimetryFallen says:

    very nice i love it the music is so carming and chanting. i love the pics u chose its cool.. blessed be

  • Gemdragon09 says:

    Beautiful artwork! I love faeries!

  • rockchick80s says:

    Thanks Tsenomaximov for sharing – never hear of her – will check out her other stuff. I noticed my Channel BG picture is featured in the video at 1.28, its beautiful as are all the other images too.

  • SpiritWanderer50 says:

    there are things unseen we cant imagine to fathom. Who would have thought a puddle of water and minerals would one day walk on 2 legs and chat on a computer.

  • SpiritWanderer50 says:

    yes when you think you grew up you loose the inner child that wonder is gone and the veil is closed. Open the child within and see again.

  • SpiritWanderer50 says:

    use firefox and addon download helper it can download entire flv file or realplayer also has a download addon that can grab videos. Youtube downloader google that as well.

  • bikr1975 says:

    the faerie i saw looked like a huge meer cat with big black eyes and had raccoon like colored designes and stared with a smile at me. then in the blink of an eye, it vanished 🙁
    now in the deep deep woods where i love to relax in the summer weekends with my freinds, can you please tell me how you think would be a good way to ask to see it or them again?? i want to have contact with them.
    i want to reside in their land/world.

  • NobleRoyalty says:

    apparently not by much, though.

  • Vixen082005 says:

    is there a link where I could download this song?

  • Harlemlate says:

    ya well I don’t feel it, it seem my inner child is dead & only the powers of Love, Hope, Wisdom, & Light that is God the King of the Universe can save it, & Since I believe in God I am sure that there is hope for Me. However I am Sorry if I was rude to anyone, it’s just feels like darkness is eating my soul & I just don’t know how other then pray to the all mighty God to stop it. No I will not give up on myself, God has never let me down, & he never will.

  • ThingsMarchBrings says:

    That’s were jo mistake is. Ima never grow up! Maybe my body, but it’s when you lose goals and start to always look behind you in life that ur old. Your as good as dead then, that’s why ima never grow old 🙂

  • ThingsMarchBrings says:

    I loooove this! 😀

  • Harlemlate says:

    Hell I used feel that way but not anymore, because I grew up.

  • tigerglory says:

    I do, I can’t think about a world without magic. If there’s no magic, there won’t be love, love is a kind of magic.

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