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Pagan Holidays and Celebrations

Pagans celebrate 8 major holidays a year, which we call “sabbats”. You will probably find by looking at the list of holidays below that some look familiar. That is because these holidays existed long before the Christian faith came along. When the Roman’s were trying to outlaw paganism thousands of years ago, many pagan holidays were changed into what we now celebrate as “Christian” holidays. But many of the actual reasons they were celebrated stayed the same. Here is a list of our Major Sabbats, and when they occur.

Samhain (October 31st) – This is the Pagan “new year”, and it marks the end of one year and the beginning of another. During this time we honor those who have passed away from us, and also recognize the changing of the seasons. We try to let go of bad habits at Samhain (pronounced SOW-en), and try to focus on things that need to be changed in our lives. This is also the time of the “death” of the Sun God, who will be reborn at Yule.

Yule (December 21) – This holiday is essentially our “Christmas” celebration. We celebrate by lighting the Yule log, and watching the sun rise (which symbolizes the Sun God’s rebirth on this day). Since this sabbat celebrates the winter solstice, we celebrate the beginning of light returning to the earth. We celebrate this holiday by exchanging gifts, decorating a tree, hanging wreaths and mistletoe, singing, feasting, and making merry!

Imbolc (February 2) – Imbolc (pronounced IM-bolk) is the time when pagans celebrate the renewing fertility of the earth. As winter slowly turns to spring, we are reminded that life is about to burst forth. We celebrate Imbolc by planting seeds, or begining new projects…anything that focuses on the “beginning” of things.


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