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Question by Rogue: pagan music?
i really love the wiccan band “Alchemy VII” they have great music, thank you all for showing me their band, and that there are pagan bands out there, blessed be

i recomend “fallow the eagle” to all wiccans it’s a great song

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Answer by Ophelia
You’re welcome.

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5 Responses to pagan music?

  • backinbowl says:

    People often mistake “pagan” for primitive or uncivilized, but it is actually one of the oldest belief systems and a very sophisticated one at that. Because it is the predecessor of all modern western religions a lot of them still feel threatened by it, especially because it has been around so much longer and is so much less constrained and burdened by all the do’s and dont’s that modern religions have “conjured up.”

  • JoseChrista says:

    Clannad does some cool music. It’s mostly folk and ‘old school’. Some of their stuff sounds kinda like Enya. If you like some old hair metal, try Man O War. Their album Kings of Metal has a lot of Nordic references and even has a prayer to Odin. About that same time, I heard of another metal band that was called Celtic Frost, but I’ve never heard their stuff.

  • chris j says:

    Blackmores Night.

    i really do not know if they are Pagan, but they are a renisance band that makes beautiful music. and many of their songs are Pagan themed.

    i would reccomend

    Under a Violet Moon
    March The Heroes Home
    Ghost of a Rose

    and yes it is Ritchie Blackmore form Deep Purple playing the mandolin with Candice Night singing.

    for an idea on lyrics,

    Dancing to the feel of a drum we leave this world behind.
    we will have a drink a TOAST to ourselves Under a violet moon

    Raise your hats and your glasses too
    we will dance the whole night through
    we are going back to a time we knew
    under a violet moon

    Tudor Rose with her hair in curles
    will make you turn and stare
    try to steal a kiss at the bridge
    Under a violet moon…..

  • Fuguee says:

    And thank you for giving me another name of a band to look up! Its fantastic to see more and more Pagan bands out there.

  • Rev. Amy Blackthorn, HPS, DD, RM says:

    I really enjoy Within Temptation for their Pagan Themes in their songs.

    You can see all of their videos over at You Tube.

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