Pagan Definitions, facts, and beautiful pictures of the pagan spirit. Also, it says the song is broken by Lindsay Haun, but they made me delete it, so its Iron rose now.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Pagan Definitions, facts, and beautiful pictures of the pagan spirit. Also, it says the song is broken by Lindsay Haun, but they made me delete it, so its Iron rose now.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
@MaPremRasa I do not read Wiccan books, as I am not Wiccan, and this is a general video about the umbrella term paganism. I have looked into many scholarly journals, News articles, archeological findings…
@MaPremRasa I list the sources of many of my facts. The crusade numbers are accurate, if you are counting all the crusades. Tthere where more than one and if you noticed, it is pluralized in the video.) It is not inaccurate. Millions of people did die in the crusades from religious persecution, even from one religion to the same religion but different sects. Unless you are only referring to the nine crusades in 1095-1272 A.D. which numbered about 1 million
You should google “wicca for the rest of us” (it won’t let me post a link)… you repeat some inaccurate historical information here. Every time we pass along info that isn’t true, Neo-Paganism loses credibility, and when we talk about persecution that has nothing to do with us (and with exaggerated numbers), it makes us come across as attention-seeking, and fosters a persecution complex in people.
The song is beautiful, and I think it’s great what you’re trying to do, but…
you say “Know your history”, and then repeat refuted myths on the screen as fact.
Many books about Wicca and NeoPaganism have very inaccurate information about the history of the religion, but in the last few years, there’s been a lot of really good academic research into the history and modern development of modern Pagan spirituality.
you are doing great things, thank you for spreading the proper word. Blessed Be
Nice video… have been Pagan for over 10 years now and proud of what I believe.
no, I had some similiar experiences in my own youth. I understand. hold your head up high and keep strong. We are all with you.
Blessings to you my brother,
i love the video and i am pagan i just wish i wasnt messed with about my religion everyday…but thanks ofr amking the vid and i hope my vid response doesnt egt on ur nerves
very nice. The song was beutiful.
i love this song BB to all
I liked it the song was calmming to me. had much stress the last few weeks. thanks warrior
You are very welcome:) thank you for your comments. I to, usually find this to be true.
Thank you for making this video. I am a Pagan too. It really bothers be when people think of Pagans as “devil worshipers” I get that a lot, but many people really understand it after it is explained.
Beautifully spoken.
Pagan Pride here also, I love everyone and the Earth. Praise her for her love for me and all of us, is her that I confess my dreams and doubts.
This is really well done, thanks for uploading
Thanks! Appreciate the comments. Beautiful poem owlwomen. Blessings and love to you all,
blessed be to you who tries to shed light on what we are really about
Correction Ocean
Beautifly put…Lady and Lord Blessings to all:
My son was a Christain Minister,I’m a Ordained Pagan Minister.He and I both knew,how deeply we were rooted in our own beliefs and respected that fact. I will love him and I will miss him always.Yet…I believe he is at peace in the heaven he believed in.
The Ocaean is Her womb:I bathe in Her with tears that blend in Her waters.She understands my cry:She understands my sorrow though the years trickle by…till tomorrow
A Mother’s lamet
i like the idea of pagan….and tommorrow will be stamping my way around a fire on westward ho beach!!!!!! seasons to all!!!
blessed be to another follower
Thank you.
Love and light,
what is the name of this song