apply a dark lime green to the eyelid and blend in well into the creaseline. also line the lower lashline – vivo eyeshadow duo – emerald goddess apply emerald green to the outer eyelif and blend into the creaseline – sleek original eyeshadow palette blend deep purple into the outer v and line the outer lower lashline – sleek eyeshadow palette – graphite highlight the browbone with a neutral shade – sleek eyeshadow palette – graphite line the waterline with a purple eyeliner – rimmel endless eyeliner – 7 coat the lashes with a black mascara – sleek volume and curl – black sweep a dark pink blusher over your cheekbones – aziza blusher duo apply a dark pink lip colour to the lips – the body shop lip shine – lotus
Video Rating: 4 / 5
@SuzieLady – hiya suzie, hope you are well my love?
i think brown suits me more too lol, especially with flecks with grey added
big hugs
I spotted you hun!! and I think me prefers you with brown hair…. defo!

this is a good look on you Sam…I love green, but it suits you better.
Liking the earrings! very cute
Yes, I loved the blue eyes vid loads and look forward to seeing the other ones..
blimey, that is a lot of stuff! lucky girl!!!
Take good care and thanks hun!
@Damitarosie – thanks lif, so glad you noticed my butterfly earrings, they were so cute i just had to have them
big hugs
Love this look and your earrings are very cute
Hugs Líf
@Helenhealer – thank you very much helen
@hotangelfire83 – i had the boringest weekend ever lol, but the weather made up for it
its fantastic that you are proud to be pagan
your photos are also fantastic! Great tutorial! )O(
gorgeous look love wearin purple n green together really lookin forward to the series lots of playtimes comin up i think lol hope u had a good weekend hugs kel x
@pennysayspeace – i think its quite a regal look, and thank you for your compliments. the blonde suited me more when i was younger, but now i am a lot older i think darker hair as you said suits me as a person more.
I am surprised that the purple and the green go so well togather. I would never have thought that. I like you better with the dark hair. I think it gives you more depth.
But you looked so free as a blond as well.
@iamshebear777 – i know i saw your video earlier hun, so no rush
Will do….
I am just having some camera issues now too……I do have the cowgirl out fit for both Casper-La and Sage. I did not forget.
@iamshebear777 – oh please do mary, i’d like to see them both
Not to worry….My only problem is Sage wants a piece of the action now too.
And they get too jealous if they both watch at the same time, as they both want the screen to kiss you!
And I have not even introduced Ms. Sydney yet!
I will need to do a video showing each one as they enjoy your great videos.
@iamshebear777 – so glad to hear that mary, sometimes i do like to think of casper la and weather she will like my video’s lol
Casper-La Loved it……..Of course so did I.
If she does not get her morning fix she is a real unhappy cockatoo.
On weekends I have to give her special treats, play music for her to dance and keep her away from the computer. Anything to distract her…….
@iamshebear777 **gives mary a big hug and blows casper la a sticky kiss**
so glad you liked it mary
AWESOME……I loved the start of this video and seeing you as a blonde. You look really good with that color hair! Yes, I knew it was you, though I was shocked. Your’re eyes and your smile gave it away! , Proud to be PAGAN!
I love Green eye shadow and of course purple….. Can’t wait to see the rest of this theme!
OMG (Goddess) Talk about a lipstick collection!
@MakeUpYourMindGirl1 – so what do you reaken suits me more, blonde or brunette??
omg knew it was u str8 off x aww lovely pics and fab look