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Question by lilylola: Pagan ritual & camp?
Okay, I am a big fan of late 1960s-early 1970s occult & art films. The depiction of ritual in these films is usually amazing (ie; nude hippie folks with wild long hair performing bachanalian & fertility rites). I wouldn’t classify many of these scenes as “Hollywood” at all. (e.g, The ORIGINAL Wickerman, Alejandro Jodorowsky’s Holy Mountain, and even Dark Shadows (this is a little Hollywood-but so macabre!!!) It seems like occult/Pagan activities used to be performed by a pretty arty crowd. While I know it is a matter of taste, when I see images of real, live rituals these days it seems that there is an incredibly cheesy element that wreaks of ridiculousness & bad Goth style. I don’t mean to be a jerk, but where has the artiness and originality gone??? Where can I find it??? I’m just not down with the dated Hot Topic style. Don’t people know that if you buy your style and occult books in the mall it isn’t cool or original generally speaking???
Although, I was wondering about the Witchcamp in the woods of Northern California-this looks like it might be interesting. Has anyone been there? If so, is the cheese element present? I actually emailed them and asked for info, but never received it when I inquired further as to whether there was “free love” going on due to the male & female camping together. (Not that I am against free love, I just wouldn’t want any) : )

Best answer:

Answer by LabGrrl OMGWTFBLT!
This is why I don’t go to these things and really haven’t since the 1980s.

The last time I went to a well-respected festival, there was a ritual called The Conjurrie of Thye Ancient Spyrites which was not Radical Faerie or anyone like that, this was supposed to be serious and it was hard to keep a straight face. I have no problem with campiness that recognises itself, I mean, I love the Scissor Sisters, right? But this was like the play within the play in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, you know “Oh, Wall! Through thy chink I spiest my dearest Thisbe” It was awful.

What do you think? Answer below!

2 Responses to Pagan ritual & camp?

  • rastaroni says:

    You may want to try to get in touch with Gardnerian or Alexandrian Wiccan group. Also, a lot of this bacchanalian spirit has been picked up by the Burning Man movement.

  • ArcadianStormcrow says:

    I’m sorry that my spirituality doesn’t meet your requirements for “coolness” or “originality”. I’m even willing to bet thatmy practices are nowhere near “gripping” for an outsider. ::shrugs:: Those just have never been concerns for me, frankly.

    Yes, some modern rituals can seem campy or cheesy, especially if you’re only seeing images of them. Many of the images you see aren’t what I’d consider good representations, if only because many of the good representations simply aren’t photographed.

    As to the bohemian stuff – never really been an aspect of my spirituality. Might be for someone else’s, and you might find it at some of the larger festivals.

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