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This slidshow is about pagan tree worship in Finland in old times, but today there are also neopagans who follow in the footsteps of our ancestors and who revive these traditions in different ways, adopting them (consciously or unconsciously) to the humanistic and (lets face it) christian values that rule the thinking of our modern Western society. This video is about tree worship in Finland, but basicly the worship of trees have also existed in other Nordic counties like Sweden, and in fact all over the world. I chose to focus on Finland, since I have more information about how treeworship worked in Finland and since the Finns belong to a different language groop than the Swedes, Norwegians and Danes. Antropologists have found out more about tree worship among the Finns through comparing words and customs with related (Finno-Ugrian) tribes that live in Russia and other Baltic countries. The model for a sacred grove is in fact adopted from groves that still exists among some of our distant relatives in Russia. The rites that have to do with the killing of a bear are, as far as I know, also somting that can’t be found in among Swedes, but mostly among arctic people around the world. In the video I speak of trees in general, but the species of tree also seems to have been important to some extent. In Finland, whit our relatively cold climate, the most common sacred trees were spruce, pine and birch, but rowan seems to have played an important part too. The pictures in the
Video Rating: 5 / 5

25 Responses to Pagan Tree Worship in Finland

  • Aivottaja says:


    Käsittääkseni hiisi voi tarkoittaa muutakin, joten katsoisin uhrilehdon soveliaammaksi.

  • dharmakirjastus says:

    Uhrilehto? Sille on oma parempi sana olemassa – hiisi.

  • dharmakirjastus says:

    Join with “Suomen merkki – hiisi” (look: Facebook)

  • Riscet4ever says:

    very nice

  • Aivottaja says:

    Se on suuri tragedia kuinka paljon Suomen historiaa katosi uhrilehtojen ja muun vanhan kansan palvontapaikkojen mukana 🙁

  • eestimaalane says:

    in estonia here are a lot of holy places what are still existed, i didnt know that in finland there are these trees too cause you take much earlier lutherian religion. anyway in mariland this region is still in honor. but in estonian we have a such a word like pagan. is this in english too?

  • Subotaiable says:

    Wanhat Jumalat kunniiaan! Alas jeesus ja kristilliset humanistit!

  • nodeterin says:

    I am really looking for this stuff and any information you can get me would be highly appreciated, so if any one here is kind enough, I would be really grateful if you drop me a line!

  • WyattKaldenberg says:

    Wonderful video! Hail the Gods!

  • TheLastMexicatl says:

    You’ve got your facts wrong dude. Read any book on Roman religion, and it will tell you that Christmas is based on the festival of Sol Invictus. Not just the pagan books, but the scholarly ones too will tell you this. Christianity is basically a crazy mix of various mystery religions and the ravings of a Jewish criminal. By proving their holidays are stolen, we are disproving their religion, not ours. Besides, I’m into the Aztec.

  • goldgrif says:

    wrong about invictus being worshipped since 2nd cent, most scholars now believe sun worship has a basically unbroken line, again picking and choosing your ideas, hmm sounds more xian than pagan to me, whatever, in true spirit Have a Great Holiday, also you think only in small term there is evidence of syncreticism in many places,

  • goldgrif says:

    but HE can be any of the Sons of God, again picking and choosingwhat to believe,

  • ambrosiustranquillus says:

    I am a pagan and almost all of this “They stole it!” stuff is BS that will one day discredit paganism if we base our apologetics on it. Sol Invictus wasn’t worshipped until the second century, well after Christianity is known to have developed and spread all the way from Britain to Ethiopia and India: Places also where they celebrate the birth of Christ in midwinter but never heard of Sol Invictus, Saturnalia or Yule, and were always outside the rule of Roman authorities or Roman Christians.

  • ambrosiustranquillus says:

    It says “The Word”, not “HE”, and the Word is identified as Jesus.

    I never said that the Bible was true, just going by what it says: You can’t discredit something based on what it didn’t say because you misconstrue it.

    BTW, when you resort to childish statements like “you fail” and attacking someone for things they didn’t say any conversation is over and the person doing it “fails.”

  • TheLastMexicatl says:

    Read a history book. Hel is the name of the Norse goddess of death and the Underworld. In order to convert more people, they just started calling Sheol Hell to make it sound more familiar. Most Christian holidays are stolen pagan rites. Christmas is basically the Saturnalia moved to the date when Sol Invictus was honored. You did get the part about Sheol being a dump right though.

  • goldgrif says:

    oh, certainly I agree, lol

  • whateley23 says:

    OK, but the calendar is neither “Celtic” nor “Druid”. It is Graves’s own personal invention. Credit where it is due, not misapplied.

  • goldgrif says:

    boy you are not doing well are you Hell i derived from the word hel,and other northern european sources, now you wanna talk about Gehenna the waiting place or Sheol the place of the dead, the burrowed place? hmm, your mythology is subpar and nonstandard,in the Judeo-Christian sense to translate the Greek word Gehenna — a term which originally referred to a valley outside Jerusalem used for burning refuse, but came to designate the place of punishment for sinners. so sad

  • goldgrif says:

    though true in what you said there are many ways of understanding, poetry , or poesis as Graves stated is one way, Celts were very fond ot the word and play involved, LOL
    there is histroy which can only speak to what is written, and the a kind of gnosis, and though I would say Graves jumped the shark couch and the fence, he did give some interesing insights, they may not be historical, the histirical natures still can be seen as serving a purpose, lol

  • goldgrif says:

    in the first 4 sentences it says HE, not jesus, you fail, and since the bible says there are others sons of god, hmmm, which HE??? are you wanna of those flat earthers? or believe bats are birds, or four legged birds???, I stand by what I wrote, you fail

  • whateley23 says:

    Beith (Birch), Lus (Flame), Fern (Alder), Sail (Willow), Nin (Letters), H-Uath (Terror), Dair (Oak), Tinne (Ingot), Coll (Hazel), Ceirt (Rag), Muin (Love), Gort (Garden), Ngetal (Wound), Straif (Sulfur), Ruis (Redness), Ailm (Cry), Onn (Foundation), Ur (Soil), Edad (?), Idad (?). Not all of them are trees.

  • whateley23 says:

    That’s a mistake made by Robert Graves, who decided to ignore the experts he consulted, and who had told him the mistake he was making.

  • ambrosiustranquillus says:

    Christians didn’t steal anything, only English people call “hell” “Hell”, which actually comes from the name of the dump in ancient Jerusalem that never stopped burning… Sheol. Neither did they steal “easter”, again, only English people call it that, everyone else calls it “Pascha” or “Paska” and they were celebrating it before English people even knew how to write.

  • ambrosiustranquillus says:

    I’m not sure what this is about, I’m not even a Christian but I do know if you actually read the bible in the book of John it says Jesus existed before the world was made, outside time and space, and that there is nothing that was made that Jesus didn’t make. It says it plain as day in the first four sentences… watch out before you call someone an idiot when you make a completely incorrect assertion yourself.

  • goldgrif says:

    @thecat11111 um jEsus didnt create anything god did jesus is his sun, and per newton who is smarter than you will ever be, is not god

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