IIIII’m every Pagan, it’s all in meeeeeee… We need to adopt and accept all of our own. Special appearance by Markys ny Deseret.
Video Rating: 3 / 5

Rise Up Singing chapter: Faith, p.46 CG AmG C / CG AmG C / FCGC / FCGC / CG AmG C Peace, I ask of thee, o river – peace, peace, peace When I learn to live serenely, cares will cease From the hills I gather courage, visions of the days to be Stength to lead and faith to follow, all are given unto me Peace, I ask of thee, o river – peace, peace, peace
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Thanks so much! Really. And I definitely will. Sing it without the talking, that is. I’m flattered you asked.
Peace to you too, Jim. I’d say belated peace, since I’m late in wishing it, but peace is forever.
Thank you, Marco. I haven’t listened to your newest song, yet, by the way. I’m going to do that in just a minute. I’m looking forward to it.
Nice Job, Matthew! I want to put your song on my Peace website. We always sang this song around the campfire in Scouts. Could you just sing it with your guitar, and not the lessons part? I think many people would love to hear it. You have a nice voice for folk music. Thank you for considering. You are the only one singing this song well on You Tube. Peace, robyn
That’ s splendid, Matthew. Thanks.
Beautiful song Matthew! Peace to you!