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Question by hushed_sanity: Pagans….?
What Goddess are you dedicated too and how did you chose her?

(question for Pagans who are dedicated to a Goddess, rather than a God)

Blessed Be

Best answer:

Answer by Aya Rose
Darn, I’m dedicated to Luna, Bast, and Hestia… Or is it Vestia this week, it’s hard to track.

I float around a bit.

Add your own answer in the comments!

8 Responses to Pagans….?

  • Epona Willow says:

    At this time I am working heavily with the Morrigan …she chose me.

  • Hestia's Priestess RIRS says:

    Answer: Although I am dedicated to the Hellenic Gods as a whole, I have special relationships with Hestia and Hera. They chose me rather than the other way around, otherwise I probably would have preferred Athena for Her wisdom.


    Freya is my girl, oh yeah!

  • Bad Jesus says:

    Whichever one is gracing my bed.

  • Priestess Jean says:

    I was called by Cybele.



  • Crystal Dolphin says:

    I have relationships with both Goddesses and Gods, and I would have to say that they chose me more so than I chose them – through meditations, signs I would receive (suddenly seeing the names and symbols of these deities *everywhere* and taking the time to learn more about them and converse with them), and of course, the particular path/pantheon that called to me.

    You will find that some prefer to keep their patron deities a personal matter.

  • ~Heathen Princess~ says:

    Welp Freyja and I have a deal at the moment. I might be dedicated. A gift for a gift. Depends on if she comes through with the gift.

    Freyja and I have a dynamic and somewhat personal reliationship. She took an interest in ME so I became interested in her. I have relatioships with several gods though. They find me, not the other way around.

  • Asher Cat J.P.A. says:

    answer: Freya – in a way she picked me. I’ve always been drawn to nature and cats and when I found Heathenism, it was a god that called me. Two years later it was Freya.

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