Question by Lady Astarte: Pagans: Cosmic Dust?
I discovered in my basket of “supplies” that I have a little baggie full of yellow powder marked “cosmic dust” that I didn’t know I had. For the life of me, I have no idea what this would be used for! I even tried to google it with no luck. Has anyone ever heard of this or know what it would be used for?? For the sarcastic answer-ers,’s nothing you can smoke, sniff or eat to get high. It was purchased from a metaphysical shop years ago…i’m just not sure why I bought it.
Now see L? You can’t mess with a psychic!
te144..the price tag is still on it. I paid .50 for it if you’re getting any ideas 
Best answer:
Answer by cfiziksh
It’s probably a bag of ordinary dust.
Pagans, answer this:;_ylt=AibwS4djq6Z6hqXasVTvSkLsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080819191611AAiTkje
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
“For the sarcastic answer-ers,’s nothing you can smoke, sniff or eat to get high. It was purchased from a metaphysical shop years ago…i’m just not sure why I bought it.”
that’s exactly what i was gonna say.
*hides in corner*
how do you know my name?!?!
*hides in different corner*
if you want, I have some dust I can sell you, let me grab the broom.
then later you can wonder why you bought it. see? it works out
I’ve got a similar problem with a bag containing a comic duck. Any ideas?
Maybe it’s like glitter, just symbolic.
Watch “The Golden Compass’. Maybe it’s symbolic of that dust.
is it incense for good luck or money drawing
answer: most likely its a crushed stone/crystal. You might use it to add sparkle to your altar or for decoration. Without knowing what the dust is, it’s hard to judge what properties/uses it could have (if you do magic, that is).
My random thoughts on it
I’ve heard of Faery Dust but never that…
edite to add:
Use it with this:
Cosmic Genesis, galatic powers astir
Cosmic Genesis, as the magnitude expands.
Cosmic Genesis, I watch the vista transform
Cosmic Genesis, blessed by the stellarwind.
Sounds like a New Moon thing to me…
Being a marketing major, I think you’ve just described the perfect product from the entrepreneurial aspect, anyway.
Maybe it was a metaphysical shop marketing scheme. Dust is good. Cosmic is good. Put it all together.. and Bam! Cosmic Dust. I’m not making fun. I am merely pointing out that it is the nature of a shop to generate revenue. Years ago when you bought it, you probably liked the name. But now that you know more, you don’t recognize it as useful. For more info on cosmic dust:
Maybe you can see why I’m skeptical.
Now… you really don’t expect to get too many serious
answers to a question like this, do you ?
I mean, really using “cosmic dust” in a ritual… it would be
hard to get more fluffy-bunny unless you starting hopping
around and eating carrots !