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Pagans worship at the temple of Sekhmet. Shot for the international documentary contest 2007.

O Que um char Gate é treinado a fazer.
Video Rating: 3 / 5

31 Responses to Pagans in the desert.

  • bigsmile1994 says:

    are men alowed to go to , and pray / meditate ect in these types of areas?

  • SarahOasis says:

    I am Wiccan because of Sekhmet. When I was young, I suffered with depression. I was ready to kill myself, when I found that something was wrong with me. I called out for help, and Sekhmet came to me. She healed me, and told me that everyone has a path to follow, and she has decided that mine should make a difference. So, she made me a Daughter, and I realized that our world has so much out there that I had never explored before. That was when I started Wicca. Blessed be, my sisters!

  • BoysMeatWorld says:

    dirty and dusty, i like it

  • thepixieful says:

    cool sculpture. ph.d. in history is cool too.

    everything is spinning all the time~Tesla
    all things have a frequency.

  • gandhara496 says:

    I like that Dragonfly Priestess! lol ^.^

    way to go but you ladies should know there are many paths within the umbrella that is Paganism, and that each path can have different beliefs and concepts. It’s not all “nature” based, or nature-only based. Nature is just one of many important elements within various Pagan traditions ^.^

  • kittycatearmode says:

    sekhemet had many other aspects as well including child berth but she was I belev a war godess becus of here ferce protectivnes. And hecate was mor than just a goddess of the underworld many culters pred to here for difrent things. Thank you and sory for the speling.)o(

  • hecatesmagickchild says:

    I have read many essays on hecate, I am not going to type it all here.

  • hecatesmagickchild says:

    Yes she is a dark goddess of the underworld.

  • newyorkdiner says:

    every goddess has many aspects.

  • newyorkdiner says:

    hecatesmagickchild…do you know who hecate is? lol

  • hecatesmagickchild says:

    wow your fuffy pagans, sekhmet is a goddess of revenge. No you should do your research sekhmet is a goddess of darkness.
    New age paganism is so water down. I thought this would be cool, but ah no.

  • SpiritMother1 says:

    Blessings My Family
    This has help my day a lot just seeing you all and hearing the truth about spirit. See you all before you know it right there in Goddess land.
    Love & Miss you all HUGS
    In Love & In Light
    Crystal Mother

  • Askittie7 says:

    I like this video. Sure, like most wiccans…i have different views….like i have both a femanine and masculine diety. But all that aside, i realy like this temple. I might go out to visit this place.

  • saadaya says:

    People naturally crave a Mother Goddess. Mary is worshiped just like a Goddess in Catholicism. Even the school of thought that wrote the book of Isaiah in the Bible wrote about Jehovah gasping in labor, in Isaiah 42:14.

  • borntopaz says:

    lol it also says that in the al’Quran too, not just Christianity and Judaism.

    The woman needs to check her facts.

    She has no knoweldge what’s so ever.

    Kuffar people

  • adramatictheme says:

    now this is something I could get into.

  • hawaiixiatzu says:

    love this temple please keep it beautiful!

  • originalwizbang says:

    considering the last post was 2 months ago Id say that was already well established….like your profile name by the way, pretty cool.

  • theseriouselephant says:

    jeez you guys! just chill! it doesn’t matter that much!

  • BoJoBrn says:

    Oh yeah… we rock!

    Sa sakhem sahu

  • jenniferTex15 says:

    That was wonderful I am Wiccan and we are much the same with love and respect of nature and the high place women have in it.
    I agree with everything you all of you said pagans and wiccans live with love with our mother earth and moon.
    Thank you that was wonderful

  • originalwizbang says:

    you are a cute little boy arent you! Im not on a side nor trying to score points…if your looking for someone to argue with you’ll probably have to find another youngster…Blessings to you.

  • JealousInquiry says:

    Grow up. I can spell, but I’m not a nazi about it for pete’s sake. Just pointing out spelling errors doesn’t earn you any points on your side.

  • originalwizbang says:

    haha! How delightful, only someone under the age of 18 would say,”fucking venn diagram”, the fuck to shock I suppose, and the venn diagram to sound educated, and of course most telling the idea my remark had or needed to have a point! Do learn to spell before you graduate…

  • JealousInquiry says:

    Your point being?

    Yes, feminists and wiccans do occasionally mix, but it’s a fucking venn diagram. Only some are; same with homosexuality. Some actually are (a large amount, from what I’ve herd).

    When they say “Wiccans are feminists” it’s like taking the venn diagram and splattering shit over it to try and get rid of the lines that seperate them. IT DOESN’T WORK. It only makes people wonder why mix a political statement with a religion; like saying to be a christian is to eat pudding.

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