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Question by Chosen1: Pagans & Jews; Can the mind exist metaphysically without the body?
I always wonder and speculate, a lot of our emotions aren’t ours but rather they are chemicals in our brain, hormones and other such things. A lot of our patterns center around us being both alive and human.
What do you think? Can the mind exist without the body?
We know the opposite is true; The body cannot exist without the mind. So does it work that way in reverse also?

If so, then what is the soul?
And if then, what is “identity”?
What is “self” beyond “life”?
That is a very good point ilove.

Best answer:

Answer by Bo??s, ?????rr ?i????
No, I don’t believe so.

Give your answer to this question below!

4 Responses to Pagans & Jews; Can the mind exist metaphysically without the body?

  • Terminator JPA says:

    Ok, I am going to answer this with my mindset.

    I like to Astral project. It comes in handy when I want to see what’s going on out side.

  • ilovegigityQuagmire! says:

    Nothing happens to your mind when you die.

    I think that you and many of those answering may be confusing mind with brain. Your brain is an amazing organ it controls our muscles, respiration, pulmonary function and a host of other lesser known functions, but it does not think.

    Thought is a function of mind that exists independent of anything physical. What appears to be the brain thinking in brain function imaging and other brain measuring attempts is only blood flow being measured to the part of the brain that acts as an interface between the mind and the body. This is the secondary function of the brain after regulating bodily functions. It acts as the interface, or the mind body connection.

    Without it there would be no way for the nonphysical mind to exert any control over the physical body.
    It is interesting that science has done its best to overlook this fact for so long. The silly idea that thought is some magical function of some mysterious electrochemical reaction is so vague as to be hilarious. There are several ways to disprove this theory beyond any shadow of a doubt.

    Being nonphysical in source your mind is in no way effected by the death of the body and loss of the mind body interface, or brain.

    Love and blessings.

  • Bleachis#1 says:

    i love gig…your sir. r wrong. because the brain does generate thoughts and cannot exist without the brain. The brain needs charges to function and without a body you wouldnt have said charges.

    (dont feel like typgin everything out so i condensed it)

  • Shasiti says:

    Ancient men sitting on mountains have been trying to answer that question for centuries. We know that the mind or self can exist outside the body. Read cases of near death experiences and out of body experiences. Meditation also helps you to reach the “universal mind” of all things spiritual. As Edgar Carce would say” Aw humans they always demand a beginning”.

    The souls of individuals were created for companionship with God (the Whole). The pattern that God used to create souls was the pattern of God’s own Spirit. The spirit is life. From the spirit, the mind builds patterns. From the mind, the physical creation is the result. This is how the spirit, the mind, and individuality, became the pattern for souls. This is how cause, action, and effect became the pattern for everything. First there was the spirit (the first cause); then there was the action which withdrew spirit into itself; then there was the resulting individuality of God.

    The spirit of the individual existed before their soul was created. The spirit keeps the knowledge of its identity with God. The soul has the ability to experience the activities of the mind in a manner separate from God.

    We came from the creator and we will all return to the creator with our individualism intact.

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