Video for Pagan’s Mind: ‘Dimensions of Fire’ – HD version. HD on YouTube often stutters. If even the opening scrolling text here is stuttering, try to start the video again (slide it back to the beginning) – that tends to “fix” it (the video itself does stutter slightly due to framerate conversion of some of the clips used, but it should only be a slight stutter at worst). (corrected) Lyrics: Sleep, my dearest beauty The time for you has been Left behind the wall Constructing madness That lies beyond this world When these chalice dreams I have Keep haunting me again When in the moonlight your empty shell lies Baptized in the fire One day we’ll unite In dimensions higher Mournful misty morning The absence warned the essence of your mind And fading slowly, crystal shining eyes In the misty moors in rain I search your ghost again For in the wind there your lonely soul cries In spiritual fire [Bridge:] One day we’ll unite In dimensions higher Leave this world of mortal chains Free from captive shell I rise [Chorus:] In my dreams behind My conscious mind Through the gates of time I search again… … A thorn that scorns within In dimensions higher Haunted in my sleep By darkened force *force* Forced up from my rest To a magic quest The pain that slowly goes away Somewhere the darkened spirits arise Awaiting someone to cry The force chants me there all the time… … In spiritual fire [Bridge] [Chorus (partial)] In search for a lost soul Dimension of this mystery Astral …
Video Rating: 4 / 5
@Destrothjaan Just a bunch of edited stock footage. Pagan’s Mind only have four official videos that I know of (plus live footage).
is this the official video or just a bunch of edited stock footage?
this is awesome,thanks for sharing
fantastic video, congratulations for it…. I like is very nice…
you always tend to show these armageddon videos. oh well : still godo song
lovely keyboard solo
veeeryy niceeee video man i love it
watch it high!!!
..this is definitely a of “major impact event” I want to miss…
..what a wonderful…shocking…fascinating…horrible…and brilliant video…it carries you away to a trip around the earth… to take a last look at the most beautiful places here on this planet… before the ultimate force of nature strikes us… impressing !!!
I’ll watch it again..
Awesome video! And band of course m/
Cool vid!!
yes the sun god sacrifice himself to renew space time…i think!
holy shit that was fucked up! That shit was apocolyptic! WHOOOAH
the moon crashing into earth was awesome. nice work on the vid
great im going to see em tomorrow at jaxx in va.its gonna be sweet!!!!
This song mildly reminds me of the Kiss of Judas by Stratovarious
wow nice
wow.. absolute perfect
Awesome vid and song! Shame it doesn’t have more views cause you did a great job!
Very nice!!
Realmente le hace justicia a la canción, magnifico trabajo
good!!! (Y)
Very cool vid,nice one!