Pagan’s Mind – Enigmatic Mission
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Pagan’s Mind music video for the song “Through Osiris Eyes”
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Pagan’s Mind – Enigmatic Mission
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Pagan’s Mind music video for the song “Through Osiris Eyes”
Video Rating: 4 / 5
This is badass! First time listening but this is awesome!
Also, nice username MallcoreMassacre m/
@Pnigro my favorite part is the guitar solo
how can i download this song to my phone?
0:55 = Careface ^^ MAN this is an awesome song
I LOVE it when he sings EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYES!!!!!!!!! Favorite part of my song by far.
geile gitarrenriffs und ein extrem geiles solo xD
dont fuck with osiris man, what can i tell yah
love this band
Essa banda e tipo rock/metal progresivo ou seja: “progressive rock”.Devido a complexidade de ritimos e melodias usando,complexos sinaturas de tempo e ritimos desiguais e diferente de musica original de rock com aqueles ritimos iguas de uma so ritimo e batida constante sem misturas.
go Norway
que banda horrorosa !
tem gente que escuta isso ainda ?!
o metal hoje não tem nada a oferecer além de mesmice mesmo : (
o que era pra ser feito já foi feito, isso aí é uma merda sonora.
bye !
I had the pleasure of meeting these guys, my band and I played a gig with them in Baltimore in September. Their bassist is a RIOT, we were having some hamburgers before the show began and he goes on to tell us *in Norwegian accent*”We were in New York last night and I thought, since everybody does it here, I need to try crack! :)” Guys were nice enough to give us props after the show, really classy people and great musicians.
absolut geiles Solo
@darkwoodmovies No, it isn’t that for all people.
Somebody just believe in it, and the Christianity can be in different classes.
Peace bud, I don’t want to fight more.
We can’t fix this, we both believe in something different.
Now that I had to explain as to why I agreed with the failure of Christianity, I frankly called you unintelligent because you haven’t said a single worth-wile thing yet. As of now, you managed to tell me that I’m a stupid idiot, among other insults, and you keep repeating it. If you want to argue, learn how to argue. An argument isn’t a penis size competition, it’s an intellectual art, so to speak.
P.S. Christianity is a religion, not a race. If you’re Christian, you are religions by definition.
@LOidos2000 All I ever said was “But agreed, Christianity fails”. If you disagree with that, then say so, but don’t go around throwing BS and insults like a spoiled 10-year-old because you got bothered. I don’t recall ever saying that Christian people have low IQs. IQ is a genetic variable, more or less. I don’t know the statistics, but it is said that as our culture will continue to develop, religion will continuously wither away. Most global conflicts are caused by religion, as well.
@darkwoodmovies you also think that I have a low IQ cuz I’m christian? Go drink milk.
I think that you are the one with low IQ since u think that the people who are christian has a low amount of IQ. Remember that it exist christian people who aren’t religious, so you have to think before you post your poop mouth – comments. You can’t say that I don’t know what an opinion is, am I going to explain it too you? Go get a lexicon or something.
@darkwoodmovies You say that I think too much on myself, and that I have low IQ and that I only know how to call people idiot AND that I don’t know what an opinion is.
If you look at the half baked comments that says that the christian people don’t have high IQ and there you agree, then just prove it. I think that you are the one with low IQ cuz you think that way, and it’s ridicilous and embarassing.
@LOidos2000 It takes a substantially low amount of IQ to iterate what you said. All you know how to do is call people idiot and use curse words, apparently. All I said on this post was “But agreed, Christianity fails.” Now you can call that insulting, fine, but who’s the idiot here? You are the one calling me stupid for stating my opinion, which obviously means you either don’t know what an opinion is, or you think way too much of yourself. And I will comment back, and will keep doing so.
@darkwoodmovies I’m not religious, but don’t insult what others believe you idiot.
Show some manners, and don’t be stupid.
Now, DON’T comment back, I can’t waste my time on idiots like you.
Furthermore, your comment doesn’t exactly radiate intelligence, if you catch my drift.
@LOidos2000 I didn’t say anything vulgar, you did. Either you’re trolling, or you lack the vocabulary to use real words, so you just throw around curses. Isn’t that against your religion or something? To top it all off, religion is irrational by definition. Higher IQs tend to create more rational thinking, hence avoid falling under faith. Statistically speaking, the dumber a person is the more religious values he tends to have, and vice-versa. No offense.
@darkwoodmovies Fucking idiots.
Show some manners little shits
I could have said “darkwoodmovies” sucks and is a cock out of no reason.
If you think that the Christianity is a fail, go suck some balls.
It’s YOU who need to get better IQ, not the christian people, I’m christian and have a good average IQ, so you better STFU and go fix ur brain cuz it dont work.
You fail you idiot
Sooo sweet guy singíng so great!:)
I imagine this is what Dream Theater would sound like with a good singer.
Fuck Labrie and his terrible voice.