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Progressive metal

From “Louder than The Dragon” compilation, cd 2

50 Responses to Pagan’s Mind – The Celestine Prophecy

  • HedeperkeR says:

    underrated band

  • Riddick2812 says:

    i know the base player there all awsome

  • RockGirlAngie says:

    I love, not, I adore Pagan´s MInd!!!

  • Njiekovic says:

    Ooh, dark and symphonic sound. Sound is a bit flat, but that’s probably a YouTube thing.

    My partner just posted this on our Death Metal website, deathmetalbaboon(dot)com
    If you are looking for new metal to listen to (any flavour), pay us a visit!

  • GodLordWM says:

    damn, love it!

  • Omegadisgrace2 says:

    videos DVD pagans /watch?v=j5GE8yB2X4k

  • mattliebl6199 says:

    i am well aware of the fact the pagans mind is progressive/power metal. but which genre are they more of? im guessing progressive metal?

  • jesjamcoop says:

    Great pipes, he can hold a note pretty well 😀

  • joeytwiddle says:

    branislav wants to be that guy with the funny beard

  • JoeyRec says:

    BTW 2012 shit look it up.. illiuminati, documentary “secret space” or read about Egpyt 2012 etc. this band fucking rules holy shit just found them.

  • JoeyRec says:

    Yo that woman in the white is his feminine counterpart that he is missing and will be reuinited with when the earth reaches the center of the galaxy as symbolized by the cross on the floor.. the sign of the ziodiac. (pagans mind) Osiris eyes.. check it out.. really deep shit, and true too. Tool writes about the same thing in a different way of looking at it.

  • StarchaserDF says:

    I correct people when they call something the wrong genre, but I won’t fight over it like a little kid. I will have references and such.

  • StarchaserDF says:

    I think he can, though. I’m pretty sure I’ve heard him do it somewhere before…

  • IcedPhoenix666 says:

    Yes, I see the resemblance =P

    Temple of Hate memories… but Edu doesn’t scream like that.

  • IcedPhoenix666 says:

    Ok, but you must understand all the childish fighting over THIS IS NOT XXX metal, it’s XXY metal… etc. is very degrading to metal in general.

    That said, it’s usually little kids who fight over genres, and they don’t reallty represent the majority of the metal community.

  • StarchaserDF says:

    His voice reminds me much of Edu Falaschi.

  • StarchaserDF says:

    It doesn’t have to. But it is awesome.

    Genres FTW. It enables us to differentiate from shitty metal genres such as nu-metal, metalcore, hardcore, screamo, etc.

  • vaztion says:

    Ahh!… that fucking Wolfgan EVH!

  • dannyel21 says:


    Bienvenido al Club- m/

  • Zemfira25 says:

    Wow…homeboy can sing!

  • Citadellion says:

    Great song!

  • HereComesReckoning says:

    Amazing!! Bloody good song The guitar solo reminded me of early DIO with Vivian Campbell. I feel there’s some jazz element here, which is a good thing.


    Un amigo me paso el link de este video y cuando lo escuche me encanto la voz del vocalista esta muy power metal aunque se que la banda toca progresivo. y ahora soy fan de pagan’s mind!!!

  • IcedPhoenix666 says:

    Apparently, power metal has to have constant, no interrupted double kicking bass drum, otherwise it’s not power metal…


    I say screw genres, long live metal, period.

  • hardcoreblowsbigones says:

    hahaha, murderman on the DOT. progressive/power.

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