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Question by Catcher in the…Hay!: Pagans/Wiccans/LaVeyan Satanists/Shamans/General Occultists, What do you do to?
Get rid and clean yourself of harmful(icky) energy?

What do you to charge yourself for a ritual? (Drumming,etc.)

Best answer:

Answer by Alien Jesus
martian cigarettes

A lot of the more indigenous religions immerse themself in water before undertaking a mystical visionary experience. Which I think is kind of what you’re referring to.

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6 Responses to Pagans/Wiccans/LaVeyan Satanists/Shamans/General Occultists, What do you do to?

  • The Magnificent Wonder Weirdo says:

    Take a laxative.

  • Daemon says:

    To cleanse yourself imagine a white light all around your body.. concentrated on your chakras..

    For energy there are tons of ways to raise it, from breathing techniques to words(vibration is powerful) to even sexual energy. Meditation has to be done regularly to maintain it however.

    Here’s a good website on the occult, the best actually.. unlike Wicca and other new age movements this is reliable information.

  • ArcadianStormcrow says:

    I take a nice long, hot shower. Wash it off, down the drain, and it’s gone. Running water has a history of neutralizing energy. Doesn’t hurt that I use specially made soaps for it either. If I don’t have time for that, a full ground-and-center does an okay job in a pinch.

    For charging, ground-and-center is a good place to start. Drumming is good, so is actual motion.

  • Amy says:

    Your wording (charge yourself) implies a Wiccan or other specific approach to ritual. I help to facilitate sacred fire circles for people of mixed spiritual paths although most of them would qualify as pagan of some sort. We encourage everyone to prepare themselves for ritual according to their own traditions.

    This usually includes periods of practice (drumming, chants, sons and dance) since the ritual often runs all night and is a ritual of ordeal. A ritual bath is typical in preparation for the circle and everyone is smudged as they enter sacred space.

    Part of my preparation is creating rangoli (symbolic designs in flour, herbs, flowers and pigments on the ground to be danced away) and building the fire. Both are often done as a moving meditation but each time is different. I encourage the design and creation of the rangoli to be a group effort.

    A large part of sacred fire circles is musical. We drum and dance, sing and chant. There is space for spoken word and some of the quieter instruments and voices. The alchemical fire circle follows a set pattern of stages. Others differ but still raise energy and release it into transformation

    Check out the link below for a video of a sacred fire circle in the alchemical style.

  • CUPID-godofLOVE!! says:

    Meditate. Countless different ways to meditate, but in a basic sense, meditate! Some meditate in regular meditation fashion, some listen to music, some beat drums, some smoke marijuana, some speak random words- whatever works best for you. Gotta use that chaos magic!

  • Bobby The Wolf says:

    Oh, yeah. That icky energy is definitely bad for the ritual mood.

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