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My FIRST attempt at a video. You want more facts and figures, check out pagan music video for a video SPECIFICALLY made for PAGANS.This is a video meant to be here for the purpose of enjoyment and enlightenment on what WICCANS are. Pagan is an umbrella term that wicca falls under, and is NOT synonymous with pagan, just in case anyone is getting confused. Just sit back and enjoy the video, and stop picking fights, if you are such a person, just click the exit button you don’t have to watch it or comment there are plenty of other videos. I realize it says ‘we’ and I am a shaman, not a Wiccan, and I also say ‘blessed be’ and am not a Wiccan… but I was showing support and love for Wicca, and the way that I view Wicca. This is from a pagan about another pagan religion. Thank you.

25 Responses to Pagan/Wiccan Music Video

  • warriorforthelight says:

    condolences for what?

  • SaDIsMysTyLe says:

    @warriorforthelight My Condolences

  • bettyboop1406 says:

    i love the music and i think wiccans and pagans are awesome


    I love the way you have addressed the problem we face in everyday life. But i unlike many dont care what people think because it is there loss not knowing people like us… We love, We Laugh we cry, But above all we are peaceful.. My Grandfather taught me that it is a close minded person that doesnt want to see the truth in another man or womans faith or even accept it.

  • silkcrimson says:

    pagan and wiccan, though differ are still connected to the earth, its the earth that we care for and deal with, the elements, herbs and healing, the only religion of old that wasnt classed as “normal” that did any kiling of inocent was unfortunatly the druid priests of old, but then again there was the miyan civilisation also, that made sacrifices to the sun gods for example when the eclips came, to persuade the sun god to return,

  • Mixtoplix says:

    Blessed Be )o(

  • ScreechingBansheecat says:

    I thank you. this makes me happy that there is at least one person that understands that we are not of an antichrist religion or a black magick religion.

  • MarvyXDMia says:

    Very Nice Blessed be )o(

  • safehouse123 says:

    I would say that this video has nothing to do with hatred against Catholicism. Some of my greatest friends are Catholic. Let us not carry on the hate and bitterness. )( )(

  • BigJahnke says:

    I was a Catholic from when i was born untill just a few weeks ago, now im pagan and proud of it! most people that kno im pagan will turn there nose to me and most of the people i have told all tell me im going to hell, but i just laugh and tell them its hard to go to hell when you dont beleve in it!!! And more power to you for posting this vid. May the Goddess watch over and you.

  • paganinfo says:

    ) O () O () O (gesegnet werden

  • falsepride says:

    I’m a pagan and both pagans,Christians and other faiths have been burned too! That is faith for many others. Many believe that we all have to believe in the same ideologies or we should die! It’s said, but it happens to this very day.

  • warriorforthelight says:

    maybe thats true in your country, but in the U.S.A. ther are lots of Catholics. I have some Catholics in my family.

  • greenman92553 says:

    Catholics no exist anymore. I live in a nominal catholic country and religious shops sell images and books of catholic saints, pagan gods and demons of gremoria and nobody thinks anythiong about it. In my country xtians, jews moslems, pagans and devil worshipers all live in harmony.

  • steelersteve36 says:

    Rushing wind blow through this temple,blowing out the dust within.Come and breathe Your breath upon me,I’ve been born again!
    Please understand that the catholic church and the christian church are 2 different things.The catholic church also killed many christians.True christians also do not murder.

  • fallbread says:

    well done

  • sexyEmma4u says:

    Have you heard of the band EARTH CULTURE. They are a really great pagan band.

  • briggles says:

    I’m thinking of becoming a wiccan. 🙂

  • Phenomanonn says:

    woah awesome music!!! btw is wicca a religion meant for mainly only woman? Im beginning to practice it and I know that its for men to but that was what my friend said… I shouldn’t listen to him but I thought id check just to make sure.

  • LittleWitchOne says:

    thank you, blessed be…

  • Vicarapostolic says:

    Great music..nice pictures.There are many kinds of christians just as there many kinds of wiccans and or pagans.The strange thing is the christian doen t teach a good god and a bad god…they just don t understand thier own tradition.

  • emoisgay789 says:

    Very well done video, as a native american and a Wiccan/shintoist, I appreciate your work sir or mam, spread the word

  • warriorforthelight says:

    i got sick of arguing the same points again and again with some people. I say alot of that in other comments on here, and i put some of it on the info box itself. People need to learn how to read *sigh* What he is refering to mostly is the wicker man festival. Painting all pagans with the brush of killing people, but again i get sick of repeating that it is not so. As for all the comments about paganism and atanism and all that.. i do have another video that is on JUST paganism. this is on wicca

  • WiccanDreamer85 says:

    thank you very much…. wonderful video…. it is a very sad thing that we have to point out some obvious things about our religion and STILL get a bunch of crap about it but i am with you in that i believe that if we educate people they will understand more…. thank you again. excellent work.

  • kuraisong says:

    Christians took the horned god, “photo-shopped” him, and then presented the bastardized version to Christians as the physical embodiment of everything evil.

    In short, Christians made up Satan.

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