Frieda Dick-Brown, a descendent of the famous Paiute Indian shaman Wovoka, says a prayer in the Paiute language. Wovoaka was the creator of the Ghost Dance. Frieda is also a descendant of Mono Lake – Yosemite area Paiutes and the Washoe tribe of Coleville, California, besides Wovoka.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
shaman turks
Video Rating: 4 / 5
ima nuwuvi moapa rez. good to hear the true words. respect.
love and respect each other and show forth lovingkindness to each other in these end times…………this prayer is amazing even though the words are unknown to me I am connected in spirit.
It’s nice to hear the Language. My mom is from Schurz and that last time we were there, I heard more people speaking the Language than ever before…Keep it up. Learn it and share it.
Stay in faith, God Bless You From Poland
shoshoni dayqup neme boishion dikup
Thanks for Uploading this Video…I recently went to Schurz in dec 08 for my Mothers Funeral.
She wanted to go back to the place she was born, and when I visited Schurz I wanted to stay…I am planning to go back some times soon.
I am a member of the Monache-Paiute people, Thank you so much for speaking the Paiute language… Are there any materials, or classes the non speaking bloods can take? I dodnt know we had a language, my aunts and uncles said it was reaqlly never written, or spoken for that mater anymore. Thank you again
Uto Aztecan and thanks for the comment.
Awesome! Linguistically similar to Mexican.
Thank you and to Ms.Frieda Dick-Brown, thank you for your prayers~ I am hoping you & others have recorded your language on CD’S or even DVD’S and provided your children with the English translation , as well. Absolutely, beautiful. A friend of mine who traveled from her birth place in England ~(at age 74 in the mid 70’s) had to visit Bishop, California, the place of her ancestors. We are all one ~ aho & amen…
absolutely beautiful! thankyou for posting this!
Thank you so much for posting this video! Aho!
Thank you !
As a member of the Walker River Paiute Tribe, I want to thank you for posting this video, Ahwahneechee. I visted Schurz when I was 10 years old and wish VERY much to go back. I hope to do that next summer.
Besa’ unewunu, Besadema.
Thank you for sharing this video. Aho!
@DJHULKMANIA Birlesik Türkler !!!!!
Cok yasa TÜRK
Sarkinin sonunda su deniliyor… “TÜRK`ün yüregi tasdan olur!”
Cok acik güzel bir Türkce ile söylüyorlar. Cok hosuma gitti…
Sarkinin adi ne acaba bilen var mi?
Cok Yasa TÜRK Ulusu! Acun döndükce sen var ol !!!
Long live the turkic people !
Ne mutlu Türküm diyene
In the Future we are build a new Nation…
UST…United State of Turania
Hefdef Turan
Kardesim dediklerine azcik saygi koy.
Islam Türkler yani OSMANLI IMPERATORLU can düsmanlarimizla yüzlerce yillar savasdi ve Romayi bile yikti…öbürleri ne yaptilar ???
Genede bütün Turan Kardeslerimle gurur duyuorum.
Hic merak etmeyin Türkiye günden güne gücleniyor ve yardima kosacak.
Selam Orkhun dan
Duyuormusunus…icene Dinleyin…..Kurt Cagriyor….Kurt Digiyorki: Fatih Sultan Mehmedin Mirasi Bitmedi…yineden Dogucak diyor Kurt…cünkü Türk milletin kabilietlerinden biri dayma Günes gibi Imperatorluklar yasatiyorlar.
Selam bütün Turan Kardeslerime.
BIZ TURGIC at it ot sesi bir ol giz dili oglan dili bir olak kuzular analar Atalar bir olak HAVADA SU da BIR OLAK