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What is “Shamanism”? This video tackles that tricky question and attempts to shed light on such a clichéd and misrepresented word. ———– Coffee, Cigarettes & Gnosis #31– Being John Allegro-vich Shamanism & drug use in Judaism, early Christianity & Gnosticism. –Special Guests– Jan Irvin & Andrew Rutajit, authors of ‘Astrotheology & Shamanism in Christianity and Other Religions’. Topics discussed: –The origins, evolution & ideology of Shamanism (and how it has been misunderstood in our New Age era). –The reality that Judaism and Christianity, like most religions, were fertility, solar cults who utilized entheogens in a widespread manner. It just wasn’t the priest who partook of the ‘funny herbs’, mon. –Clues in the Bible, Gnostic texts and the Judeo/Christian tradition that point to the positive usage of entheogens and hallucinogens. –How the war on drugs (which is also the war on the Goddess) began hundreds of years before Christ with a changing Jewish Priesthood, fanned out into the Christian worldview centuries later, and continues today with the same nefarious intentions. –The spiritual and scientific effects of using certain entheogens such as mushroom, natural LSD and cannabis. –Evidence of entheogens also in Hinduism and Buddhism. –Redeeming John Allegro and his controversial discoveries of The Dead Sea Scrolls. (Jesus is a Mushroom…whadda ya gonna do?) And much more! Gnostics have always been accused of being ‘out there’. But ‘out there’ often
Video Rating: 4 / 5

A TV story on a subway tunnel in Portland, Oregon which was built under a cemetary, angering the Asian community. 1999 Producer: Tom D’Antoni Camera: Lyle Morgan Editor: Lisa Suin-Kellam
Video Rating: 4 / 5

50 Responses to Part 1 – What is Shamanism? (Interview with Abraxas)

  • Insurrectionist1 says:


  • samthor says:

    @ColinElderGrant lol, you’d think the spirits would give us a proper English word to address them to help us appropriate and commodify their ancestors, sacred beliefs and culture … oh wait, they don’t.

  • ColinElderGrant says:

    @samthor what WE call shamanism, is really a westernized word we use because there is no equivalent in English. you are right in your taxonomy, but so am I

  • faunflynn says:

    It’s big AND broad also. Will it fit on Youtube.
    So they had to leave out what it is. Too bad.
    Heavy evidence. Hmmm… weighs a lot. Hard to carry. Like a giant lemon.
    Hebalism and Spygirics. Tricky word can trip you up. That’s philology.
    645 bce, I wonder what month it was. Natch matti ? Nag Hammadai ?
    Oh dear , I give up.
    I do wonder do these guys practice this and why do they think it’s all symbolic.
    A lot of shamanism is just real, direct experience.

  • tmchism says:

    I think a lot of the stuff shamans do is wonderful, as far as the medicine, and the spiritual healing. I believe in journey’s and “finding yourself.” I believe mother nature is very important. However, I don’t believe we came from the great “nothing.”

  • tmchism says:

    I agree. You need to be more open minded.

  • NoFaceLeft says:

    don’t forget about th native americans

  • LendMeYourHand says:

    They all believe that this dream world is the balance between this physical world. This includes Native Americans. Drugs Do induce ESP, as your awake mind falls into the sleep world. If you look at this scientifically, it would conclude our negative/positive relation of atoms & matter/antimatter space/time constant(Infinity). So the true question is, who are the ones that are manifesting our reality. I think it is safe to say we are, infact some are manifesting most of it while others observe.

  • LendMeYourHand says:

    Yes, “Knowing”. It is much deeper than this guys. for one thing shamans would be in every tribe. As this is known to carry the same abilities as an oracle. Shamanism has commonly followed bloodlines. The bloodlines of the prophetic. The ones with the knowing. They have control of the dream world in all cultures. This means that the most profound psychics hold this position. Including precognitive/ever present awareness. So a modern shaman or Oracle would be Edgar Cayce.

  • 6oobs says:

    @samthor “Shamanism is a friend”, it is not. Those people who learn it for gain in power and not through a connection are Frauds

  • arjantjeee says:

    yeah but theres a lot of common stuff bitween shamanism and duidism. its all about nature and so. its just the details which are different

  • hartejoseph says:

    hey I know that shamanism is just the generic word Im using I know shaman is just the siberian word we use in english to discribe that type of healing and ecstatic experience that all cultures practice the common thing being the drum.The druids would have known this it would have been childs play to them even aboriginal judaism did it I know druids did alot more than that even today people like to use the bowron and trumpa cearde.

  • samthor says:

    no. see, Druids did not practice “shamanism”. Druids practiced “Druidism”….. the Celts did not have shamans, they had Draoi and Bran-droai. The Tibetians had/ have Lhapas. The Penobscot have Mende’olinas kwe. and so forth. To deny/ ignore the rich cultural heritage and to force everything into a narrow, vague, generic term of “shamanism” is erroneous and disrespectful to the cultures and their governing deities/ spirits/ ancestors.

  • crowkangi says:

    no doubt samthor, couldn’t have said it better myself…as far as the crystal lickers go.

  • coolcats95661 says:

    I have a book called (why so many GODS) look it up online?

  • hartejoseph says:

    heres one for you when the early celtic christian monks where writing down the old pagan “mythology” they talked about all the medical herds in ireland and that all the knowledge of their uses was lost but you can still rediscover their uses by communications with the holy spirit and seeing as all the first christian monks were once the druids they most definitely practised shamanism but only stopped when rome took over and the knowledge was only practised by the witches or local herbal lady.

  • hartejoseph says:

    you dont need to pay for shamanism just get someone to do double drumming for you and there’s no need for drugs try reading the way of the shaman by michael harner

  • GnosticMedia says:

    While shamans often utilize drugs, this does not negate the fact that the experiences with these substances, when done properly, are the most powerful and harrowing experiences we can go through. I suggest you read a book called LSD Psychotherapy by Dr. Stan Grof. Yours is a pretty narrow minded perspective and you really need to understand the EXPERIENCE that these substances provide that have been used globally for many millennia by various cultures for ritual use.

  • GnosticMedia says:

    You’ll be interested in a book that goes into the shamanism fraud topic in detail by Alice Kehoe called Shamans and Religion. Another really good book is Dark Shamans by Prof. Neil Whitehead.

    Shamanism isn’t all bunk, but there certainly is a lot of bunk stuff out there about it. Check out my podcast shows where we cover these issues in depth.

  • samthor says:

    “Shamanism” is the latest trendy buzz word new age crystal lickers used to sell some law of attraction crap to the souless white culture. and way too many of you are so willing to hand over your money for some quick fix and flowery promises. “shamanism” is a fraud. and never pay to pray.

  • LipanConjures says:

    Yes, totally… If you are caught up in the engine of the western dominator culture.

  • thethe234 says:

    now I really can’t speak for everybody, but something tells me alot of the interest in shamanism out there could be a way of rationalizing one’s hallucinogenic drug use. anyone agree?

  • icefirexd says:

    i dont think so…… i believe in shamanism in a SENSE u focus on your mind, body and soul,,, but i dont think so,,, that you would dis agree in words of God.. mind ur words

  • wildwoodkingsson says:

    Lame attempt at answering a fantastic question. Such a shame.

  • amoxtlacatl says:

    And who says this is EVEN about salvation???

    Is your mind so thwarted now by Christian teachings that YOU think EVERYBODY is looking for a salvation – like you, who needs to be saved from the wrathful, cruel hands of the very god you worship???

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