Question by V E: Particular type of voodoo or cult that involves strangers witnessing sexual acts?
These witnesses are called that very thing.Disturbing as it, it begins with a person with full fledged schizophrenia who believes they are god and sexual acts are performed on this person and these witness and others in this cult believe these acts have magical power.Does anyone know what this is called? Or have any other information on it. I involve the word voodoo, because some voodoo followers are involved in this in the potion aspect.
Thank you in advance for any resources or information
Best answer:
Answer by but really
Uh, swinger clubs?
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
pr0n voodeo
Is there a question here?
wow, im missing out on a good cult.
Are talking about some bizarre private night club somewhere in the Caribbean?
Now THAT is a religion I might could get into…
Just because someone calls himself a vodou practitioner does not mean he is.
The Haitian Vodou tradition and other African traditional religions (ATRs), based on my study and interaction with numerous practitioners of other ATRs, are actually quite conservative. Some of the traditions actually have very prescribed roles for men and women and how they interact, especially during services. They also often have basic dress codes that are meant to be followed by practitioners. For example, in the Haitian tradition, until relatively recently wmen did not wear pants to services. Even now, it is rare to see this even in the US.
Also, since most services are quite public affairs there are very well defined rules for behavior. In fact, it is not uncommon that if a lwa takes offense at some behavior that is considered rude or inappropriate, the lwa may come in possession and chastise the party(ies) involved.
So, just as their are Christians who carry on in decidedly unchristian manners, there are people who may call themselves Vodouisants who do not practice the tradition at its highest and best.
Be well,
Mambo Michele