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Question by jeff weffry – London: Persian Zoroastrianism pagan religion was mixed in shiism; through marriage of daugher of kisra with husien-RA?
Ancient persian Zoroastrianism religion was mixed in shiism; through the marriage of shahzinan the daugher of kisra with husien(RA)

Persian Zoroastrianism pagan religion was mixed in shiism; through marriage of daugher of kisra with husien(RA)

After the end of persian empire ; by the death of kisra yazdjard ; Zoroastrianism found in husien and shahzinan’s marriage a new target for thier worship or a new line of gods; which is to be waited in the divine offsprings of husien and their princess zinan;

so Zoroastrians accepted aversion of islam but in a form that is consisted of Zoroastrian paganism that is to be flourished by the love of people to ahlulbeit; and which has the infalible semi-gods imams as the core and goal of all their religion

thts why shias now rank their 12 imams as in the higher levels on all people and on all prophets as alkhomaini says in his book – hokoma islameya p 29. –

and thts why shias attribute characteristics tht is for God ALONE; to thier 12 imams – as in the absolute knowledge and the absolute hearing and seeing and the answering and fulfilling of dua/needs of people … and the superpowers tht shias believe thier imams have (even superman doesnt have those powers lol)…

so the question is :

when r shias gonna study history well and read wht thier old pagan books says and leave shiism forever before they die and lose thier salvation completely.. ??

Best answer:

Answer by muslim worshiper of 1 God

really avery interesting question indeeed !!

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4 Responses to Persian Zoroastrianism pagan religion was mixed in shiism; through marriage of daugher of kisra with husien-RA?

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