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[Note that no peyote was consumed during the ceremony shown in the video. See comments.] The documentary Fire on the Mountain: A Gathering of Shamans was filmed in 1997 at a ten-day gathering of tribal elders, wisdom keepers, and medicine women from five continents, who had travelled to Karma Ling, a Tibetan Buddhist retreat center in the French Alps, to discuss their concerns with the Dalai Lama and representatives of the worlds religions. Full documentary: These are my personal favorite parts from the documentary featuring the Ecuadorian Shuar Shaman Hilario Arutam Chiriap and Mexican Shaman Aurelio Diaz Tekpankali from the Native Church of Itzatchilatlan. Hilario Arutam Chiriap works mainly with the sacred Ayahuasca and Aurelio Diaz Tekpankali works mainly with the sacred Peyote cactus. I have attended an Ayahuasca ceremony with Hilario Chiriap and wish to experience a Peyote ceremony with Aurelio Diaz Tekpankali.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

21 Responses to [Peyote] Fire on the Mountain – Native American Shamans

  • micaminosagrado says:

    @Gayatridevi1008 I’ve put peyote in the title because it is shown and talked about. Apparently it implies that peyote was taken in the ceremony, so it is good that you say this once more. I will leave it in the title and add it to the deion. Thanks for your comment.

  • Gayatridevi1008 says:

    I was at this gathering with these medicine men and we didn’t ever take peyote there at Karmaling!

  • scottdavene says:

    @micaminosagrado Mostly just trying to stay alive, which has not been easy…

  • micaminosagrado says:

    @scottdavene Fascinating! And what road are you following nowadays?

  • ShroomSamich says:

    did u hallucinate

  • scottdavene says:

    @micaminosagrado Yes, I took part in the ceremonies. I took peyote and ceremonial foods as well. I remember going to the fire to be blessed by the priest, among other things. I knew that I was experiencing something very special and those experiences have always remained strong in my memory.

  • micaminosagrado says:

    @scottdavene Did you take part in the ceremonies and drink Peyote as well at that age?

  • scottdavene says:

    I was a member of the Peyote Church in Taos, New Mexico, at the age of six. I took part in Native American Peyote ceremonies. I was the only child at the ceremonies and my mother the only woman. We were the only non-Native Americans that I can remember being there.

  • purespirit9 says:

    Interesting…and music is one of my favorites…thanks friend 🙂

  • WyteDove says:

    ****Smiles**** You are such a bright light Coman4ero thank you for sharing your light~

  • WyteDove says:

    Thank you sweet friend~pCe~from my heart to yours now and always~

  • coman4ero says:

    Thank you !
    You remember me for Poigyn & Kaity !
    Thats good !

    Let There Be Light !
    To all & forever !
    ( : – )

  • Sleepingsun4 says:

    Excellent creation..very powerful music and very important information..thank you my friend!

  • WyteDove says:

    Thank you dearone for the infomation very interesting my friend~pCe~from my heart to yours now and always~

  • WyteDove says:

    Glad you enjoyed my friend~Thank you always for your comments and infomation you share~much respect to you now and always~pCe~

  • WyteDove says:

    Thank you my Brother for your comment and the infomation much appreciated dearone and I shall walk in Beauty for I have you walking beside me my Brother~pCe~from my heart to yours~

  • faithmichaels says:

    Thank U my sister for bringing this to the attention of many…. for those who want to know…..Elders, is the English term used to describe the holy ones,Grandmother or Grandfather is the address used to speak with them.
    Love this song… powerful
    May you walk in Beauty

  • age49 says:

    Hey WD. “Shaman” was used as a name on the medicineman among the lappeople in north of Europa. So it might come from Siberia. The Shaman had so mush power, that the governments in the Scandinavian countries forbidd to act as a shaman. This about 200 years ago, and the shaman could face deathpenalty. Thanks for sharing WD.

  • oldarizona says:

    I love it!
    Thanks for sharing

  • WyteDove says:

    ****SMILES***** You are very welcome my friend~

  • doda26 says:

    Thank you for this information and the beautiful music.

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