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Physicist and consciousness researcher, Thomas Campbell, Discusses the nature of reality in terms of consciousness — this video logically and scientifically explains the normal and the paranormal, mind and matter, physics and metaphysics, philosophy and theology.

1) Please visit and support the above sited web link I have provided to find out more information about this incredible lecture and also a very large amount of remarkable evidence pointing to our true origins here on Planet Earth. Please watch this with an open mind and do your own research on this stunning lecture. Part 5 – The Wheel Of Life , The Star Of David, and the Earth Grid

50 Responses to Physics, Metaphysics & the Consciousness Connection 2 of 18

  • empbac says:


    “You can say the same things about the swastika.”

    This was an argument you could have addressed. I said that you neglected to refute what I wrote, not that you tried. You’re right in that you presented nothing of value. We agree on that point.

    Are you impressed by this idiotic mess of buzzwords? What the hell does “Counter-clockwise represents anti-matter” mean? Evidence, please.

    Speaking of petty and whiny, who responded to a 5-month-old post with the instruction to “go away”?

  • wenaolong says:

    @empbac It wasn’t a counter-argument. One, you didn’t even give an argument (not a coherent one, anyway), so there was nothing to counter (just pathetic). Two, why bother to refute the ridiculous? “Lame” best describes your petty, rhetorical whining. Ergo, “Go away” is not a counter-argument, but a bit of advice for petty, whinny people like you with no reasoning skills.

  • wenaolong says:

    @empbac Go away, then.

  • wenaolong says:

    Yes, medicine means “the art of bringing balance and harmony”. WHATEVER does this IS medicine: activity of any sort which does this, of ANY SORT.

  • wenaolong says:

    Counter-clockwise represents anti-matter, future-to-past tachyons, eh? Very good to know this, very very good……

  • q7spiz says:

    Wow, more details on what I’ve been onto already with my world transformation map videos. Thank you.

  • cardona3001 says:

    what book is this from?

  • lisadabbs1 says:

    your voice is echoey and i cant get to the link
    but this is awesome thnaks

  • empbac says:

    You can say the same things about the swastika. Actually, there was one in one of the pictures in the video. This is all a lot of nonsense. Buzz words that aren’t connected by any concrete syntax. Where are the peer-reviewed journals? Quantum mechanics is science. This is not. No more realistic than Christianity or Islam.

  • hacktik101 says:

    i do that often ….i have been able to predict my dreams almost while actually in the dream state and sometimes i can manipulate what happens next or where i go but sometimes i have dreams of flying through space passing planets i never seen before but they seem so real and somethin pushes me to fly deeper in space and i get an akward lost like feeling and i wake up

  • madJedi1 says:

    aweome series, forsome reason it wont let me download em tho.
    Any reason why??

  • madJedi1 says:

    ‘Lucid dreaming’ is a good next-step as what follows is ‘astral projection’ and this is awesome…as u can go into a ‘thought sensitive realm’ (dream realm..WITH control)

  • discogypsy says:

    You are so informative for me. THANK U ! 🙂

  • boravw1 says:

    1:38 where is this mosiac located ? israel?

  • hacktik101 says:

    i have just began my metaphysical journey, i know of the 7 chakras and some simple meditation methods, but what is the next step…..i mean i sometimes feel as if i see the aura field but then sometimes i dont, i guess my first question would be how can i teach myself to see the aura field in full?

  • 29Whitesnake says:

    If this is possible why aren’t we seeing examples being performed today? I see a lot of talk but little action. IF this is true then it’s powerful. I would like to see proof.

  • thelawofone says:

    We live in a patrilineal society there has been a supression of the feminine for a very long time. We once lived in a matrilineal world. The people who control the world know that the earth is female in fact the whole universe is female. The female represents the right brain which is complete knowing and intuition whereas the left is more anylytical and fact based. You can see what I mean in our world religions and our educational systems.

    Remarkable information thank you…Love&Light

  • sydneydoc says:


  • NETSEMRY says:

    next question why do you think the illuminati chose to re create the pyramid in las vegas call it luxor hotel and use that huge light beam to beam out to the cosmos? Are they trying to trick certain beings from another world into coming to nevada this part of the globe instead of the middle east and if yes WHY?

  • NETSEMRY says:

    sorry typo both the worlds?

  • NETSEMRY says:

    question is for the maker of the video not the person who placed it here unless they are the same person why are there so many pyramids over the earth and its representatives the star of david have two pyramids that make the star im assuming one is the pyramid from the earth and another is from another world and the tips of the pyramids lights touch and resonate to bothe worlds?

  • flubadub1234 says:

    background music is highly distracting; it is much too loud, sometimes blocking the voice.

  • ladyshamballa says:

    Yes!! it is absolutely fantastic information but it makes me feel very come there are no women Tesla’s..nor women Guru’s and Avatars…Have I answered my own question?? Are we just dumb?? Anyone for tuna casserole?? Womens liberation movement.. Please don’t email me until you balance your chakras..Well on second thought there’s probably no women reading this..Cookies are done..gotta go!! xoxoxo

  • kimbo99 says:

    To the calmly curious- For physical evidence of a second intelligence within yourself-Vivid Dreams onset, plus repeatable handtingles- search YouTube on LAY GNOSIS 1 BEGIN HERE site truebluehealerDOTcom-Regardless of beliefs-Even atheist testimonials, including doctors from 4 countries. 10-12 mins gets you started. A growing list of triggered 12 month gnostic veterans contactable. And its FREE

  • bhudamonk says:

    fantastic information,the ancients new their stuff,our race has devolved,tesla was amazing,the powers that be who decided Edison was the man to listen too were so wrong they should be tried and convicted for crimes against humanity…they chose to milk mankind rather than free mankind!

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