Octogenarian Ignacio ‘Waikuru’ Pérèz is a shaman of the Piaroa tribe living along the Orinoco in Venezuela. This song ‘Maek’irae’ (Hunting song) is an incantation which should provide the spiritual force—and the physical strength—to kill a baiquiro, an animal which also has great ritual importance. Taken from the DVD ‘Going Native in Venezuela’.
This video is primarily based on Marie-Lu Lorler’s book “Shamanic Healing within The Medicine Wheel”, but the video is my own interpretation and visions of the Medicine Wheel. Spirit expresses itself in all people and races. Each culture or tradition will interpret the energies in the Medicine Wheel in their own way. The medicine wheel is mans attempt to order the energies of the cosmos around him. Each spot in the medicine wheel has energies you can tune into. The video here is a visual journey to make you acquainted with certain aspects of each energy. More information can be found at my web site www.soul-guidance.com; go the section House of the Sun. No, I am not Native American Indian. I believe Spirit is available to us all and does not select a specific group of people to give its teachings to.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
viejo borracho ponte a trabajar
I failed to be taken a any spiritual journey during this video.
drogado vagabundo!
thank you!
Namaste, thank you
the illusion of transformation, fools gold, still, realization will come that nothing has really changed and that I always was and always will be whomever and where ever I perceive myself to be and free to play without fear since there is nothing real to hurt me. in the eternal now, I would rather see the stars than be the stars
Transforming and Informing
Thank You
Munay. The Journey has transformed me. Munay