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PRAYER –“Creation You remember, God, considering all the deeds of all creatures fashioned since earliest times.”

PRAYER FOR PROTECTION –“May I become at all times, Both now and for ever, A protector for the helpless, A guide for the lost ones, A ship for those to cross oceans, And a bridge to cross rivers, A sanctuary for those in danger, A lamp for those in darkness, A refuge for those who need shelter, A servant to all in need.”

PRAYER OF A TAMIL –“I do not know, 0 God, What is there in store for me. Only let me have your grace, To live with your blessing.”

PRAYER OF THOMAS JOHN CARLISLE –“Help us to harness the wind, the water, the sun, and all the ready and renewable sources of power. Teach us to conserve, preserve, use wisely the blessed treasures of our wealth-stored earth. Help us to share your bounty, riot waste it, or pervert it into peril for our children or our neighbours in other nations. You, who are life and energy and blessing, teach us to revere and respect your tender world.”

PREMCHAND SAHAJWALA –“So many candles together bring so many people together. That’s Diwali.”

PRIMO LEVI –“The bond between a man and his profession is similar to that which ties him to his country; it is just as complex, often ambivalent, and in general it is understood completely only when it is broken: by exile or emigration in the case of one’s country, by retirement in the case of a trade or profession.”

PRIMO LEVI –“To be considered stupid is more painful than being called gluttonous, lazy, and cowardly: every weakness has found

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