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its defenders, but stupidity hasn’t.”

PRINCE CHARLES –“Moves should be taken to ensure there was something left to hand on to future generations.”

PRINCE CHARLES –“Something as curious as the monarchy won’t survive unless you take account of people’s attitudes. After all, if people don’t want it, they won’t have it.”

PRINCE EJE OYEWOLE –“He has been a very good Pope, very accommodating and the most travelled, and definitely ordained from above. I would say he cared more about the Third World and the world at large.”

PRINCE PHILIP WINDSOR –“If I were reincarnated, I would wish to be returned to Earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.”

PRINCE WILLIAM AND HARRY –“This event is about all that our mother loved in life… Her music, her dancing, her charities and her family and friends…. We wish to celebrate her life and not dwell on her death… After 10 years there’s been a rumbling of people bringing up the bad and over time people seem to forget or have forgotten all the amazing things she did.”

PRIYANKA TEREDESAI –“What is necessary in life is to fix yourself to the axis of your own life, which is your true nature. If you manage to remain undeviated from your true nature or principles, no positive or negative peak can move you from there.”

PROMISE KEEPERS –“A tremendous display of hunger for God exists in men today..; I believe God is showing us now that he wants us to be global. Bill McCartney, Founder,”

PROPHET ZARATHUSTRA –“Do not be blind to the marvels of

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