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my surroundings, and if I do not preserve the latter, I do not preserve my self.”

QUR’AN –“Hold fast, all together, to God’s rope, and be not divided among yourselves. Let there arise out of you one community, inviting to all that is good, enjoining what is right, and forbidding what is wrong: those will be prosperous.”

R BROOKS –“A prayer, in its simplest definition, is merely a wish turned heavenward.”

R CHOUDURY -“If we do not crave for rewards we have no reason for frustration. This does not mean that we lose our motivation to work. When we talk of rewards and results W we interpret these according to our personal perspective, conditioned by ideas of profit and loss, power and prestige. To get a clearer, more objective perspective we have to step aside from our personal involvement to an impersonal level of detachment. Detachment is not indifference or apathy it means putting action (karma) into a broader perspective, away from petty gains. Carry out karma for its own sake with single-pointed effort (yoga) and you; will be free to enjoy total job satisfaction.”

R D LAING –“Creative people who can’t help but explore other mental territories are at greater risk, just as someone who climbs a mountain is more at risk than someone who just walks along a village lane.”

R R SAMUEL BECKETT –“Every word is like m unnecessary stain on silence and nothingness.”

R REYNOLDS –“Few of us realise how short the career of what we know as “science” has been. Three hundred and fifty years ago hardly anyone believed in the Copernican planetary theory Optical combinations were not

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