F DRUCKER –”We know nothing about motivation. All we can do is write books about it.”
PETER F DRUCKER –“Follow effective action with quiet reflection. From the quiet reflection will come even more effective action.”?
PETER F DRUCKER –“Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.”
PETER F DRUCKER –“One cannot buy, rent or hire more tunes. The supply of time is totally inelastic. No matter how high the demand, the supply will not go up. There is no price for it. Time is totally perishable and cannot be stored. Yesterday’s time is gone forever, and will never come back. Time is always in short supply there is no substitute for time. Everything requires time. AH work takes place in, and uses up time. Yet most people take for granted this unique, irreplaceable and necessary resource.”
PETER F DRUCKER –“The purpose of business is to create and keep a customer.”
PETER F DRUCKER –“We know nothing about motivation. All we can do is writing books about it.”
PETER F. DRUCKER –“Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans.”
PETER O’TOOLE –“When did I realise I was God? I was praying and suddenly realised I was talking to myself.”
PETER RUSSELL –“ Inner evolution is not an aside to the overall process of evolution. Conscious inner evolution is the particular phase of evolution that we, in our corner of the universe, are currently passing through. From this perspective, the movement towards a social
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