super organism and the mystical urge to know an inner unity are complementary aspects of the same single process, the thrust of evolution towards higher degrees of wholeness.”
PETER SELLERS –“There is no me. I do not exist. There used to be a me but I had it surgically removed.”
PETER STERRY –“0 peaceful and pleasant war Where the Supreme Love stands on both sides, where, as in a mysterious love-sport, or a Divine love-play, it fights with itself.”
PETER STERRY –“See a golden Chain, see the/Order of the precious Links, see how in a beautiful circle the beginning is fastened to the end.”
PETER STERRY –“While we were Innocent, our Nakedness was our Purity, as a beautiful Face unveiled, as a Jewel drawn forth from the Case.”
PETER USTINOV –“As for being a General, well, at the age of four with paper hats and wooden swords we’re all Generals. Only, some of us never grow out of it.”
PETER USTINOV –“At the age of four with paper hats and wooden sword we are all generals. Only some of us never grow out of it.”
PETER USTINOV –“Contrary to general belief, I do not believe that friends are necessarily the people you like best, they are merely the people who got there first.”
PETER USTINOV –“Corruption is nature’s way of restoring our faith in democracy.”
PETER USTINOV –“Corruption is nature’s way of restoring our faith in democracy.”
PETER USTINOV –“Parents are the bones on which children cut their teeth.”
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