language as a potent means of expression, and he has the intellect also to argue his case and to convince others, yet man ultimately uses the ways of the animals who… do not have language and reason as their means to seek justice… So, the lesson I learn from history, is that man does not learn lesson from history.”
RAJAN -“In this vastness there is place for space and much more. In this eternity there is place for time and the chimes of its measure. In the depth of the deep there is space for the light to enter but not the door to escape. In the roaming mind, there is space for the quietude by tapas of fortitude. In the emerald blue silence there is space for awareful existence of the fullness of ananda. In awareness there is the melody of the music of the spheres pulsating with cosmic life — heard only in silence. In consciousness, you and I are nowhere or everywhere vibrant in the soft whisper of the fathomless silence. If only we listen.”
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