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upset these spirits. Nature rituals ensure that we do so and part of the reason for them is that human beings, upon death, become a part of the kami too, irrespective of their ‘good’ or ‘bad’ deeds on Earth – so that the tree branch you carelessly break could be the spirit of an ancestor or, indeed, could be your own spirit in a few years time!

Knowing this, as soon as a child is born in Japan, his or her name is added to a list at a Shinto shrine, which makes that child a “family spirit”, or ujigami – which means they are already a ‘kami-in-waiting’ and will become one of the ‘geniuses’ of the place they are born to once they die. Those whose names are not on this list become “water children” (mizuko), who, upon death, are restless and unsatisfied and may cause troubles and plagues.

Shinto has no commandments as such, but there are four ‘Affirmations of Spirit’, which have their origin in the natural order:

1. The Shinto adept must love nature because it is sacred and brings us closer to spirit.

2. He or she must recognise the family as sacred because it is the main way in which traditions are preserved and spirit can be felt.

3. He or she must attend festivals dedicated to the Kami, of which there are many each year.

4. And he or she should give attention to cleanliness. Purity of mind, body, and spirit are all important. Certain deeds can create impurity or “dirtiness” (kegare), such as killing, or partaking in the death of, a living being. This should only be done with reverence – even if you are just eating a take-away meal of meat or vegetables – in the knowledge that you are consuming a life to continue your

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