Plant Spirit Shamanism: Voodoo Shamanism
What do we really know about ‘voodoo’ in the West? Almost nothing. Not even the correct spelling. Even now my computer underlines Vodou (its correct name) in red to inform me of a typo.
But feel the phoney word ‘voodoo’ in your mouth. It could be the first word a baby might form. A fantastic word – so many O’s. For most of us in the English-speaking worlds it has a somehow sexy, implacable feel, but one that is also dark and dangerous. This comes courtesy of the Western Empire’s “reality tunnel”. History is, indeed, the propaganda of the victors. No wonder they were scared. Vodou inspired the only successful slave revolt in history, defeating first the superior firepower and numbers of the French, then the British a few years later. ‘Black magic’ could be the only rational (sic) explanation…
It’s easy to see how the Empire’s belief in the power of the rational mind to civilize “primitive cultures” would lead it to demonise Vodou. Vodou recognises other dimensions much greater in scope than the narrow little world that, even now, our culture insists is the only true reality.
Vodou, born in slavery, was more generous in its attitudes towards other beliefs. It absorbed them, adding to its pantheon of Gods and rituals. A profoundly adaptive belief.
You can read this book in many ways: as a history of the Vodou religion and its influencing cultures; or perhaps you want to immerse yourself in the rich mythological landscapes that are opened up to Western readers for the first time. But the real meal offered here is to go on a journey into the essence of Vodou – for Ross’ book calmly reveals how we can make contact with and attune ourselves to