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underlying dynamics at work here?

“How did all the shamans, acupuncturists, rebirthers, Reiki masters and other healers I’ve known pull off their miraculous cures?” In the aura and influence of powerful facilitators, I have witnessed many remarkable turnarounds in peoples’ physical conditions, financial wealth, mental attitudes and spiritual abilities. My whole life, I have asked Spirit the question, “How?”

Go to the Source

When I observed my very first extraordinary phenomenon in life, I decided to find out what was behind this and other wondrous occurrences. I concluded that the only way for me to ever really know what was going on was to open to the same level of magic in my own life.

Move Outside the Box

I quickly realized that to experience more magic in my life, I had to leave the life that I was currently living. I had to move “outside the box.” Act, not just think, “outside the box.” By definition, miracles occur outside our usual world.


All magic occurs beyond the boundaries of our current belief system. To experience something new, we need to ex-periment with reality. “Ex” in Latin means to go outside. “Periment” comes from the same root as “perimeter,” that is, boundary, border. To experience anew, we need to go outside the boundaries of our old box. With this intention and willingness, all is possible!

Ask Outside the Box

To get specific suggestions on what actions to take outside the box, ask for a suggestion from the part of your consciousness that is “outside of past experience.” If you intend to access this realm of your knowing, you can connect with it. It’s only a matter of what part

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