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overview. People with Moon in Capricorn are good friends to have because they are committed and reliable. It takes them a while to make friends and develop trust, but when you have made it into their inner circle of friends you have a good chance to stay there for a life time. Having friends for life carries the opportunity to witness each others life choices and multiplies our learning through deep insight and compassion.

Capricorns are not the most expressive communicators when their feelings are concerned. With the Moon in Capricorn it is not so easy for them telling you that they love you, but they will come and fix your car when it has broken down. They do things to express their feelings for you and you better learn to appreciate that especially if you have a partner like that.

Teaching us Self Mastery and Manifestation Skills

What is self mastery? What does it mean for us if we have achieved it? For one it is the inner place of acceptance and surrender to what is. We do not waste time with resistance and struggle with what is. We take it as a place to start our next part of our journey from. We feel the present moment and then move on to where we want to go.

Also we have given up trying to control or manipulate others. We then can find stillness in the midst of crisis because we do not rely on others to make us happy or circumstances to be a specific way. Yesterday I listened to a beautiful song of Jan Garret and JD Martin, some of my favorite singers where it says:– I expect the best and bless the rest.– I love that perspective.

Abraham Hicks, the originator of the Law of Attraction, talks about the three steps necessary to manifest our intentions and dreams.

To begin

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