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Question by See into my Soul: Plz help me I think I going mental (seriously)?
I think I a mental and its scarying the shit out of me. When I am alone I have discoussions by myself in my head, I pretend I am having talking with someone else. And when I am in my room alone I “pretend” that I am doing stuff like a fansity (not sexual or magical stuff). Am I mental? My parents don’t know, I am to emmbrassed to tell them. THIS IS SERIOUS AND I AM VERY SCARED!
I am 14 years old
I do it everyday I have friends just have to be home a 7pm and when I talk to myself in my head I dont talk to a made up person it like one of m friends.

Best answer:

Answer by jess
I have horrible thoughts of myself dying in bad ways. its may be a problem but im not really sure. you need to tell your parents.

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30 Responses to Plz help me I think I going mental (seriously)?

  • KiWi says:

    i like 2 talk with myself too.
    VJ is the person i talk with…normally.
    Sometimes I break-up with someone…Or confront them…
    or i sing loudly during my homework and i dunno even what about… just something that ryhmes and it never has a chorus either… hahaha.

    But no u aren’t going mental.
    You are just not SUPER sociable right now… but the person within u is! its ok 2 talk to your self!!! many people do it all the time…. like me but the point of u doing this is that you want someone you gets to talk about what u want and its mostly about personal desire! – ya know.. like winning an argument without actually getting in one… and all but this was a very long answer too. sry!!!!

  • TheAnswerer says:

    I have conversations with my friends (in my day dreams) all the time. I call it Dreams Of what Could be because they could totally happen but they are all made up. I talk to myself a lot too. I’m not sure if I fully understand what you are going through, but you can totally tel your parents.

  • Kelsie says:

    I do the same thing. I think its pretty fun actaully! lol Chill out your fine

  • Sakuran52 says:

    Well, your not insane if you know what your doing.

  • depressed g says:

    dw ur fine its just a phase. ur going through puberty, if u havent already then u will start ur periods soon

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