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Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 Responses to polar shift Ancient Egypt ayahuasca enlightenment

  • MysticLight100 says:

    Lately I’ve been having the feeling that my soul is very ancient. Memories of past lives have been coming to me little by little. I can feel that the world is on the verge of transforming. When I close my eyes to meditate I can see a beautiful white light.

  • ClairaGEagleHawk says:

    Some of the music sounds like flying. Beautiful.

  • siriusdreams101 says:

    I love Alton’s work it is amazing . There is no other like it . I never met him in person but took all the levels . It changed my world Thanks Alton I am forever grateful

  • jw22345 says:

    @MysticLight100 …And I knew I was leaving it. I felt the sadness of that moment.

    I now understand that this event happened when I left that planet to incarnate onto this planet.
    You don’t have to be from this specific planet though; if this is your truth as well then you could be from numerous other systems (pliedies, sirius, others like that).

    All you have to do is ask your higher self the question, and then trust your intuition and your feelings in the days to come.

    Namaste 🙂

  • jw22345 says:

    @MysticLight100 You might be like me in that my consciousness (and the individual consciousness’s of many others) is not based/has not only experienced life on this earth. Everyday I experience synchronicities where I randomly see the pattern of the stars in orions belt, with an importance placed on the middle star.
    A month ago I had a vision where my consciousness went to the middle star and gazed on a planet orbiting around it… My home.
    I’ve also had a vision where I was watching this planet

  • melchizedek144 says:

    @MissBehavin1111 Thank you I will do so 🙂

  • MissBehavin1111 says:

    Beautiful sounds here! Brian Eno made these sounds @20 years ago. He is a sound pioneer…check him out.

  • lotusalivelight says:

    How Beautiful, M144 :)) Great Smile too 🙂 Blessings to Ta-hotian Ibis you…

  • lotusalivelight says:

    How BEAUTIFUL, M144, GREAT JOB ! (Great Smile, too 🙂 Blessing, ta-hotian you…

  • MysticLight100 says:

    @melchizedek144 lol

  • melchizedek144 says:

    @MysticLight100 Time is running out of time lol

  • MysticLight100 says:

    Time is a ,mere illusion with a purpose

  • MysticLight100 says:

    @U2HereY In my first experience, I was outside of earth peering at the entire solar system, then I had another experience where I was looking at the milky way, focused the center. There was no past or future. You see, oputside of time, everything just is. Thats the real reality.

  • MysticLight100 says:

    @U2HereY It began a year ago when I started to have “out of time experiences.

  • rudituzla says:

    The only teacher you need is within… others can open your eyes to the possibilities… but listening to your own inner guidance is the only true path

  • 1ZenWoman says:

    @rudituzla With thousands of web sites, blogs, free videos, and information downloads, there’s no reason to feel hampered by commercialization. Spend some time truly seeking, and you will find it. Ask and ye shall receive. When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.

  • mgdstar says:

    Money is also from Divine. It takes resources to put out visions. The age of seperation is gone, include spiritual poverty… The key is what do you use money for.
    Love, Live & lots of laughter*_*

  • flipflopangelface says:

    I wouldn’t have any problem paying to acquire this ‘enlightenment for sale’ . People have to earn a living. You wouldn’t have any qualms paying a mechanic to fix your car or a decorator to paint your house. Learning the Melchizedek Method would be money well spent imho.

  • YouTabacco says:

    this is just your brain reacting to the sound waves created by this marvellous music. We react to it like this because its in the same d note that is common with sounds of nature such as wind and sea waves….. great video….

  • melchizedek144 says:

    A great idea would be to place the flower of life symbol in patients rooms, it just seems logical that it is the symbol of unity of unconditional love and so people would naturally align with it and take on it’s qualities even if they are not consciously aware of it’s meaning 🙂

  • U2HereY says:

    @MysticLight100 How did you start along that part? That is great!!

  • Falconerx69 says:

    Hospitals are waiting for this healing now.

  • MysticLight100 says:

    This truly is a miraculous time in our world’s history as more and more people are awakening. There is so much energy coming into our world right now, I can feel it. I can see things I couldn’t see before. I feel so much love. When I take walks in mother nature I can feel so much energy there and can see the true beauty of things there. There I feel like I am one with mother earth.

  • MysticLight100 says:

    @melchizedek144 For the first time I was able to see this divine energy that surrounds all beings. I was looking real hard at this spider on my wall and I could see a beautiful white aura around it. Also during my recent walks in mother nature to the edge of the woods there is one flowering tree that stands out from the pine trees and I could see the true beauty I couldnt see before.

  • melchizedek144 says:

    There are multitudes of free spiritual practices here on youtube and on the net.I also put a merkabah activation video together free of charge for all those who would never get the chance in dong workshops or classes, enjoy my dear friend 🙂
    Much love light & dleight
    Emanuehl 🙂

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