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intelligent proposition or hypothesis, and thought is everything. Everything is in the thoughts of man! 

Now, what’s the connect between birth control and the modern age? To be straight about it, the element of selfishness is present in both. Selfishness borne of only thinking about some relative and personal good. What makes me feel good is good. If I feel good while aborting, or doing adultery, or having sex with the same gender, etc, then that is good. 

Incidentally, the essence of modern thought is not original. In fact modern is only modern when one rebels/dislikes against the much older run of things. And this is where the rub comes in. 

One rebels against an established order like the fallen angels who rebelled against God; the Jews against Yahweh; the renaissance people against the Church; and now, the modern man against the real essence of life itself i.e. rebelling against himself which will inevitably bring about his own destruction ! 

Millions die because of abortion today because man thinks of himself as God and destroys human life even in the womb. 

Millions die because of promiscuity or immoral sex by way of aids and other sex-related diseases. 

Millions of families are broken. 

What has become of mankind? 

Man doesn’t even care to face the truth of his own demise. Are we becoming more and more like the Aztec pagans of old who sacrificed babies in the name of some god who may bring about some measure of prosperity after doing some crude method of population control? 

And this is also where modern thought comes in. Even though it is as clear as day that abortions and sexual immoralities are horrible crimes against humanity many

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