aliveness, a new beauty, a new intelligence which is not borrowed from anybody, which is growing, within you. It has roots in our existence.”
OSHO –“Meditation’s ultimate conclusion is, live the omen to its totality, intensively, joyously, because there is nothing to be feared —because even death is a fiction. Don’t separate yourself from existence, become part of it and existence will take care of you. It is already taking care of you.”
OSHO –“Once you know yourself, there is no death. Death was only in your ignorance. In your meditative consciousness, death disappears just as darkness disappears when there is light brought in.”
OSHO –“Remember one thin Meditation means awareness, Whatsoever you do with awareness is meditation. Action is not the question, but the quality that you bring to your action. Walking can be a meditation if you walk alertly. Sitting can be a meditation if you sit alertly. Listening to the birds can be a meditation if you listen with awareness. Just listening to the inner noise of you mind can be a meditation if you remain alert and watchful.”
OSHO –“Satsang is to be in the presence of a Master, in a loving communion. It is a very special word —it cannot be translated into any western language, because nothing like this has ever happened there; it is uniquely eastern. In fact, the relationship between a disciple and a Master is an eastern phenomenon, a contribution of the East to the world of consciousness. Between a Master and a disciple the question is not of knowledge but of being. Not that the Master knows more than the disciple — sometimes the disciple
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