may know more. The Master is more than the disciple, not that he knows more. He has more being, he has more soul. It is not a question of his memory; it is a question of his existence; he has a totally different kind of existence — integrated, centred, rooted.”
OSHO –“Tensions are our guests; we have invited them. Relaxation is our nature; we don’t have to invite it. You don’t have to relax; you have just to stop inviting tensions, and relaxation will start on its own accord. In your very being, in every fiber, in every cell of your being there will be relaxation. This relaxation is the beginning of meditation.”
OSHO –“The one who cares about happiness — about his own happiness — becomes careful about everybody else’s happiness, because happiness happens only in a happy climate.”
OSHO –“The truth is that existence wants your life to become a festival… because when you are unhappy, you also throw unhappiness all around.”
OSHO –“’The word ‘guru’ is untranslatable,, Neithe:, does the word ‘teacher nor the word ‘Master’ has that beauty. In fact the phenomenon of the guru is so deeply Indian that no other language of any country is capable of translating it. It is something intrinsically Eastern. The word ‘guru’ is made of two words, ‘gu’ and ‘ru’.’Gu’ means darkness, ‘ru’ means one who dispels it. Guru literally means/the light’.”
OSHO –“There is no need for problems to be. We create problems with one hand and we try to solve the problems with the other hand — and both are our hands!”
OSHO –“Think of a life without
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